The Spiritual Awakening of Katie Lyn
That is when I finally allowed myself to believe what I believed. I decided not to follow what others thought was right or proper, no matter how “crazy” I sounded when I talked about it.
My new path
With that new grounding in who I was, I took a leap of faith and created The High Vibration Station. The High Vibration Station is here to help others raise their vibration and live according to their authentic self, pursuing their true passion.
I believe these crazy times are an opportunity to break out of the Matrix and wake up to who you really are. I believe we are all eternal beings, living this 3D earthy life. I beleive this life is one of forgetting who we really are, so that we have the opportunity to grow by remembering again. I beleive when we remeber we can CHOOSE to live according to our true potential.
About High Vibration Station
The content of this site and my YouTube page are to learn the past so we can go into the future with awareness and intention. We can choose to grow instead of blindly fumbling through life. We can have hope and awareness of our infinite nature and are connection to our Creator.
The High Vibration Station explores topics like Plant Medicine, Energy Healing and work ( am currently studying to become a Reiki Master) Sacred Ancient Archeology Sites, Spiritual Teachers, Channels, Meditation, Sound Therapy and Sound healing and Our Connection to Source and each other.
So grab a seat and buckle up, because you are in for one wild ride!
In the Love and the Light of the ONE.
Katie Lyn
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