
The handpan is a steel drum resembling a UFO shaped disk. The sound of the handpan is indeed out of this world. The ethereal song of the handpan enchants and mesmerizes the listener into a relaxed state.

Find Your Zen With The Best Handpan for Beginners on Amazon

You know, in this whirlwind of modern existence, finding a sliver of peace can feel like seeking a needle in…

5 months ago

Made in America! THE exhaustive list of Handpans Made in the USA

Looking for American made handpans? Look no further, here is a list of all the handpans made in the USA…

4 years ago

Exploring the Best Handpan Makers: Crafting Ethereal Sound for Your Soul

15 Best Handpan Makers, including reviews, demo videos, handpan website links, resource links & how to choose a handpan you…

5 years ago