7 Best Shamanic Drum Styles for Journey main

OUIZ: What Shaman Musical Instrument are You?

For millennia shamans used the power of music; including drums, flutes, rattles, the didgeridoo, stringed instruments, and more to enter a trance and journey to the spirit world, perform healing and divine answers from the spirit realm.

Music provides ambiance for meditation, sets the tone to connect with others in ritual ceremony, and music is used for sound healing. Music is a part of our heritage and a part of our health and wellbeing, it is a necessary element for a balanced life.  

Which Shamanic musical instrument speaks to you and your life rhythm?

Take this quiz and find out what shaman musical instrument you are!

Question 1 of 5.

Question 5: Which spiritual destinantion ranks highest on your bucket list?

Dogon Village Mali Africa
Hindu Mountain Temple
Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge Germany
Fanjing Temples China
Alice Springs Australia
Tavertine Pools Turkey
Machu Picchu Peru
Question 2 of 5.

Question 1: What natural element resonates with you today?

Air Element
Metal Element
Earth Element
Wood Element
Water Element
Fire Element
Question 3 of 5.

Question 4: Which setting calls your spirit the most in this moment?

Question 4 of 5.

Question 2: What energy resonates with you today?

Balanced Energy
Divine Masculine Energy
Divine Feminine Energy
Question 5 of 5.

Question 3: Choose the Pattern that appeals to you right now.

Pattern 1
Pattern 6
Pattern 3
Pattern 2
Pattern 4
Pattern 9
Pattern 7
Pattern 5
Pattern 8

Next question 1 of 5

All 5 questions completed!

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OUIZ: What Shaman Musical Instrument are You?

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