Sound healing is a form of therapy that uses sound to facilitate healing and move energy in the body. Sound healing instruments include the crystal singing bowl, crystal singing pyramid, gongs, lyre harps, tongue drums, tuning forks, pan flutes, kalimbas, ocarinas, drums, didgeridoos and handpans, among others.
Tuning fork therapy, using those symmetrical and sleek metal wands that look like they’re auditioning for a role in a…
Welcome to the Cajon Box Quest, where we hunt down the holy grail of beat boxes for every sonic soul…
Buckle up, cosmic wanderer—Harpikas are here, and they're not your average sound tools. Picture this: the love child of a…
Get ready to ring in some serious cosmic transformation! Tibetan bells and Dorje bell sets aren’t just sound healing tools;…
Ah, the sweet, soothing sound of meditation chimes—it's like a spiritual spa day for your soul, right? Today, we're diving…
Attention fellow cosmic seekers, let me introduce you to your spiritual sidekick: Tingsha Bells! With origins rooted in ancient Tibetan…
You know, in this whirlwind of modern existence, finding a sliver of peace can feel like seeking a needle in…
Kalimba Stickers: The Magic Wand for Your Thumb Piano Alright, listen up, you fabulous students of the thumb piano world,…
Looking to add some zen to your jam sessions? Check out these awesome tongue drums Amazon shoppers love! We've sifted…
You are in the right spot if you are looking for YOUR kalimba tuning! Discover the kalimba notation of YOUR…