High Vibration Resources to help expand your consciousness

Please feel free to link to these High Vibration Resources!

These are some of my favorite High Vibration Resources. Let me know if you have a good one you think I should add to my collection.

Meditation Music

Looking for some awesome music to relax and meditate to? I find one of the easiest ways to meditate is to pop on some headphones and listen to one of my favorite YouTube meditation music artists. Of course, I also love playing my handpan or shaman drum too! These are my go to meditation channels, I hope you find a new favorite from my list.

  • Mei-Lan – Mei-Lan is a beautiful woman with an enchanting voice and a gift for playing Crystal singing bowls and Tibetan singing bowls. Her ethereal music will have you mesmerized and relaxed in no time.
  • Sub Bass Meditation Music– If you need some rhythmic background music for work, study, or meditation this is the place.

Inner Work, Shadow Work


One sure-fire way to expand your find and tap into hidden consciousness, encounter profound self-awareness as a result of introspection and get a glimpse of the secrets of the universe is through psychedelics. Ayahuasca, LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, DMT, Salvia Divinorum, and more. Here are a few of my favorite links and resources for psychedelics.

E.T., Paranormal, Remote Viewing and the Unexplained

Looking for resources on some far out subjects? You have come to the right place because I have some. Here are some of my go to sources for info on USO’s, Secrent Government programs, the Paranormal, Remote Viewing (I am a remote viewer, BTW) and all the unexplained phonomena.

Conscious Living High Vibration Resources

Radio Frequency

“Radio Frequency” is my email list reserved for Fellow Travelers, Matrix Escapees, Psychonauts, Shamanic Journeyers, Alchemists, Interdimensionals, Inquiring Minds, & Mad Hatters; those who dare to join & explore wonderland with me.

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