I searched everywhere I could think of to compile this list of nearly 30 tuning fork healing sets I could find. This is the curated list of all tuning forks sets for sale I could find.
The list includes the frequencies included in each set, a bit about what the set is used for, how many forks are in each set and what high quality tuning fork manufacturers make each set. (I left out the cheaper, inferior makers).
Fibonacci Tuning Fork set

Frequencies, in Hz: 256 Hz, 512 Hz, 384 Hz, 426.68Hz, 426.66Hz, 416Hz, 413.44Hz, 414.46Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 8
Who makes this set: Tuning Fork Shop 8 Piece Fibonacci Tuning Fork, , Medivibe Fibonacci set, Sound Therapy Shop.
Special features of this set:
The Fibonacci Tuning fork set is based off the mathematics of the golden ratio, Phi or spiral sequence.
This sequence of frequency is aimed at healing trauma and addictions.
Most of the Fibonacci tuning fork sets available in the market today are based in or start with the 256 Hz Frequency, which is labeled 1/1.
You can see the Frequency and Ratio of each tuning fork in the commonly available Fibonacci sets in the picture above.
As a side note, Biofield Tuning sells a set or pair of Fibonacci tuning forks that do not follow the frequency laid out in the illustration, but the pair instead matches the 11th and 12th position of the sequence. So that set or pair is an exception to what I am discussing here. The more common sets of Fibonacci tuners follow the ratio derived from the sequence.
Since the Fibonacci scale follows a spiral pattern, the interval between the fibonacci ratio and corresponding frequencies quickly decreases, just like the space in a shell or a golden ratio spiral quickly becomes smaller and smaller.
Let me show you what I mean:
The Tuning Forks in the Fibonacci scale, based off of or starting with 256 Hz are as follows:
1/1 is 256hz
2/1 is 512 Hz
3/2 is 384 Hz
5/3 is 426.68 Hz
8/5 is 426.66 Hz
13/8 is 416 Hz
21/13 is 413.44 Hz
34/21 is 414.46 Hz
So you can see from the 5/3 tuning fork, to the 34/21 tuning fork, there is not a large difference between the Hz frequency of the forks, and a visual inspection of the forks also shows you that the forks are not too different in size, and it is because the distance in a golden ratio spiral quickly decreases.
Each tuning fork corresponds with a state of reality or being as well, which is why these tuning forks are so helpful in treating addiction and trauma. Addiction and trauma can and does push one into alternate realities, and these tuning forks can be used to restore balance.
The tuning forks correspond in the following way.
The base tuning fork, labeled 1/1 which has a Hz frequency of 256, corresponds with the beginning or creation. The others are as follows:
1/1 is 256hz The base, beginning or creation
2/1 is 512 Hz The space of possibility, aka the Aether
3/2 is 384 Hz Balance and centering between polar forces
5/3 is 426.68 Hz The Dream space or astral
8/5 is 426.66 Hz The inner knowing, healer and higher self
13/8 is 416 Hz The crystal door to our source of love and light
21/13 is 413.44 Hz The gateway to higher knowledge, subconscious and Akashic realms
34/21 is 414.46 Hz The eye of God, the duality and the dichotomy of simplicity and complexity
The Academy of Sound Healing has an online course to guide you on how to use this set of Fibonacci tuners to help trauma and treat addiction.
Song of the Spine Tuning Fork Set

Dr. June Leslie Weider, author of the book Song of the Spine discovered that each vertebra has its own frequency. Applying these frequencies to the vertebra create a sympathetic response that activates the embedded harmonics of that vertebra to help maintain healthy body functioning
The Song of the Spine tuning fork healing set includes 12 forks, each tuned to one of these distinct frequencies Dr. Weider discovered.
The vertebra and its corresponding frequency and note are as follows:
C1 /T1 130.81 Hz (C)
C2 /T2 146.83 Hz (D)
C3 /T3 164.81 Hz (E)
C4/T4 174.61 Hz (F)
C5/T5 196 Hz (G)
C6/T6 220.20 Hz (A)
C7/T7 246.94 Hz (B)
T8/L1 138.57 Hz (C#)
T9/L2 155.56 Hz (D#)
T10/L3 185 Hz (F#)
T11/L4 207.65 Hz (G#)
T12/L5 233.08 Hz (A#)
Schumann Tuning Fork

Frequencies, in Hz: 54.81 and 62.64. 04 250.56
Number of tuning forks in set: one or two, depending on the set
Who makes this set: Planetary Therapy Tuning Fork, Schumann, Biofield Tuning Shumann Pair
Special features of this set:
There are two ways the Schumann Resonance of 7.83 is achieved using tuning forks.
The first way is by using a pair of differently tuned forks to create a binaural beat of 7.83. Thats what Biofield Tuning did when they created their set of 54.81 and 62.64 which create a binaural beat of 7.83. The Biofield tuning forks are a weighted tuning fork set.
The other way is to create a tuning fork in a multiple of the Schumann Resonance which is what Meinl did. They use the frequency of 250.56, which is a 30 fold multiple, or 5 Octaves higher than the Schumann Resonance.
I find both of these methods quite clever.
Why use the Human resonance in thing fork healing?
The Schumann Resonance is all about getting grounded.
Since the Schumann Resonance is the earths own magnetic frequency, getting in resonance with it aligns our own auric field with that of the earth and is helpful for grounding. We are electrical beings and the Schumann resonance brings us back into balance with mother Gaia.
Chakra Tuning Fork Healing Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 194.18, 210.42hz , 136.10hz, 141.27hz, 126.22hz, 221.23hz, 172.06hz With some sets also 272.20 Hz and 68.05 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: Between 7 and 9
Best chakra tuning fork sets: Chakra Tuning Fork Set by Omnivos, Medivibe Chakra set, Tenfly Chakra Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
Chakra tuning fork sets can be either 7, 8 or 9 tuning forks. These include the 7 tuning forks that make up the 7 body chakras, plus some sets also include an 8th soul purpose chakra tuning fork in high Om fork and a 9th earth star, or low ohm chakra tuning fork.
The tuning forks chakra frequencies included in the set are not based on musical scale, but instead are based on numbers associated with the movement and cycling of planets around the sun. The chakra set can sometimes be presented as a weighted tuning fork set.
Root Chakra Tuning Fork- 194.18 Hz

The Root Charka tuning fork is tuned to resonate with a 24 hour earth day. The root chakra represents the foundation of life. Using the Root chakra tuning fork around the base of your spine and pelvis are can be grounding and help clear insecurities. It clears your root chakra energies and helps you feel connected to others and provided for in a physical sense.
Sacral Chakra Tuning Fork 210.42 Hz

The sacral chakra, located near your navel, corresponds with the sexual parts of you in a physical, hormonal and spiritual sense. Using the sacral tuning fork to clear energy in the sacral chakra will allow you to more easily give and receive pure positive emotions, enhanced relationships, intimacy, desire, connection, communication and creativity.
Solar Plexus Chakra Tuning Fork 126.22 Hz

The solar plexus chakra sometimes called the lustrous gem, is located above the navel. Using the solar plexus tuning fork in this area to clear energy will increase a sense of personal power, raise self esteem, promote your warrior energy, including warriors of love. If you are struggling with changing who you are to who you want to be, this is a powerful tuning fork for personal transformation. The solar plexus tuning fork is tuned to the frequency of our sun.
The Heart Chakra Tuning Fork 136.10 Hz

The heart chakra tuning fork is tuned to the frequency of 1 each year. The heart chakra is our center of love for ourselves and others. It is the spring of compassion and empathy. Using the heart chakra tuning fork in the heart area will clear negative emotions and allow you to feel your heart center and allow love to flow freely.
The Throat Chakra Tuning Fork 141.27 Hz

The throat chakra is tuned to the planet Mercury. The throat chakra givens communication and in the physical relates to the thyroid gland. Using the throat chakra tuning fork over your thyroid gland can help heal the thyroid. It can free up communication, increase self expression and give you the strength to speak your truth.
The Third Eye Chakra Tuning Fork 221.23 Hz

The third eye chakra is tuned to the planet Venus. The third eye represents the pineal gland which is responsible for regulating our circadian rhythm thru the hormone melatonin. The pineal gland is also said to be the seat of the soul and is linked to our perception, awareness, and spiritual communication. Use of the 3rd eye tuning fork can help you increase wisdom, insight and deepen spiritual connections.
The Crown Chakra Tuning Fork 172.06 Hz

The crown chakra tuning fork is tuned to the platonic year, a period of 25,930 each years. This chakra represents pure consciousness, and is what allows universal consciousness, connection to the akashic records and higher self. Use the Crown Chakra Tuning Fork near the top of the head to clear energy there.
Soul Purpose Chakra Tuning Fork 272.20 Hz

The soul star or soul purpose chakra is located above the crown chakra, above your head. The soul purpose chakra is where the contrast of life on earth meets with the oneness of all that we are collectively. Use the should purpose tuning fork to clear the energy and feel the connectedness and oneness of all that is. This helps us align with our inner knowing or higher self.
The Earth Star Chakra Low OM 68.05 Hz

The earth star chakra is located 12 inches below the feet, in our etheric body which expands beyond the body we know in the physical. The earth star anchors the entire bodily system of chakras along with our personal energy and grounds us to both universal and earth energies. This chakra is the conduit between us and earth and is what allows us to dispel negative energy and call back our own energy through the earth grounding.
The Sonic Slider

Frequency of tuning fork in Hz: 93.96
Number of tuning forks in set: 1
Who makes this set: Biofield Tuning exclusively
Special features of this set:
The sonic slider is a single tuning form custom crafted exclusively by Biofield tuning. The Sonic slider is used on the physical body and is known to tighten skin, reverse the signs of aging and energize the one receiving its healing vibrations.
This is partly due to the fact that the sonic slider is based on the Schumann Resonance of 7.83. The sonic slider has a Hz Frequency of 93.96, which is 12 times higher than the Schumann Resonance, meaning its the 12th harmonic of the Schumann Resonance.
When using the sonic slider be sure to breathe and if you can, work barefoot when using the sonic slider.
The sonic slider is a great rejuvenator that uses a harmonic of the earths own resonance to produce health, wellness and vitality results quickly.
Solfeggio Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 963 Hz, 852 Hz, 741 Hz, 639 Hz, 528 Hz, 417 Hz, 396 Hz, 285 Hz, 174 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 6 with a basic set 9 with a full set or add ons
Who makes this set: Solfeggio Tuning Fork Set from Omnivos, Luminanti Solfeggio Standard Tuning Fork Set, Biosonics Solfeggio Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
Solfeggio tuning fork kits are available in base sets of 6 or expanded sets of 9. The Solfeggio frequencies are sacred frequencies discovered by Joseph Puleo using the pythagorean method. The method revealed a series of electro magnetic sound frequencies that were missing from the original Solfeggio scale.
The 6 piece tuning fork Solfeggio set of forks contains the original frequencies of the Solfeggio scale used in ancient Gregorian chants. The expanded set of 9 solfeggios tuning fork healing set includes the 6 original and the three missing frequencies.
The Solfeggio frequencies used in the Gregorian chants were thought to endow spiritual blessing when chanted in harmony during mass.
Body Tuners (C & G) Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: The C note tuning fork is 256 Hz and the G note fork is 384 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 2
Who makes this set: C&G Tuning Forks – Body Tuners by Omnivos, Biosonics Body Tuners, American Scientific Body Tuners
Special features of this set:
This two tuning fork set includes a C note tuning fork that resonates at 256 Hz and a G note tuning fork that resonates at 384 Hz. These tuning forks, when played together make one singular tone which is a 3/2 ratio and is also a perfect fifth.
The perfect fit frequency opens the door to your higher self and allows for healing from source consciousness.
C and G tuners are a shortcut to achieving a meditative state. They quickly and easily put you into a theta meditative state which is normally achieved by longer periods of meditation.
The C and G note are also said to be polar compliments of yin and yang and played together bring balance to the body.
Pythagorean Perfect Fifth Tuning Forks aka Harmonic Spectrum Tuning Forks

Frequencies, in Hz: 256 Hz, 288 Hz, 320 Hz, 341.3 Hz, 384 Hz, 426.7 Hz, 480 Hz, 512 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 8
Who makes this set: , Harmonic Scale Pythagorean Spectrum -Tuning Fork Set of 8, Solar Harmonic Spectrum Tuning Fork Kit, Biosonics Set of 8 Solar Harmonic Spectrum Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
The Harmonic Spectrum set is based on Pythagorean tuning which is where all frequency ratios of all intervals is based on the 3/2 ratio or a perfect fifth.
The perfect fifth is a natural proportion that is easy to identify by ear. This ancient tuning system of natural notes was used up till the 16th century
Using this harmonic scale tuning fork set you can play two forks together by tapping the forks together or using a tuning fork activator, to create overtones that are relaxing and centering. The interval between each overtone has a unique effect on your nervous system as each tone activated specific elemental qualities.
It is also possible to balance the energy in the chakras with this tuning fork set by using the set coordinating with the following chakras and frequencies:
Root Red | C 256 Hz |
Sacral Orange | D 288 Hz |
Solar Plexus Yellow | E 320 Hz |
Heart Green | F 341.3 Hz |
Throat Blue | G 384 Hz |
3rd Eye Indigo | A 426.7 Hz |
Crown Violet | B 480 Hz |
Higher octave of Root White | C 512 Hz |
Angel Tuning Forks Set, Crystal Tuner, Crystal Tuning Fork Healing Set Crystal

Frequencies, in Hz: 4096Hz, 4160Hz, 4225Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 3
Who makes this set: Biosonics Angel Tuning Fork Set, Omnivos angel Tuning Fork Set
Special features of this set:
The angel set of tuning forks is a set of three very high frequency tuning forks that are used for space clearing and removing negative energy.
Angel tuners open the realm of the angelic
The 4096 Hz fork is part of the Angelic set and is also known as the crystal tuner and is used with a quartz crystal for healing purposes. This set is sometimes called the crystal tuning fork set.
This set would be amazing paired with crystal singing pyramid in a sound healing session.
For space clearing and getting rid of negative energy, you can use these to replace or supplement herbs such as sage that are also used for this reason.
This angel tunic fork set is capable of sweeping away the negative energy and bringing in the angelic realm.
These angel tubers are hardy enough to be struck together and played in tandem and you can also use an activator to sound them.
Note: These forks are such a high frequency they should not be used near the ears.
Sharp Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 266.6 Hz, 300 Hz, 355.5 Hz, 400 Hz, 444.4 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 5
Who makes this set: Luminanti Sharpuning Fork Set, Radical Sharp Harmonics based on pythagorean scale, OM Industries Sharp Harmonic Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
The Sharps tuning fork set includes 5 sharp note tuned forks that complement or sit between the notes of the harmonic spectrum set of natural notes. The sharp notes are the perfect addition to the chakra set as well because they cover the spaces between chakras as shown in the illustration above.
The sharps tuning forks resonance frequency are as follows:
Sacred Chalice – C# – 266.6 Hz
The sacred chalice is located between the root and sacral chakras. It can represent the divine feminine as well as this chakra sits directly over the womb in women. It is the divine location of creation.
Dan Tien – D# – 300 Hz
The Dan Tien is represented by the thymus gland and is the home of our Qi or internal energy.
The Dan Tien is our energy center or the seat of our life force energy.
Higher Heart – F# – 355.5 Hz
The higher heart chakra governs the ether heart, where intent originates. The higher heart chakra is located between the throat and heart. This chakra center is an activator of higher consciousness and when in balance allows us greater compassion and ability to forgive.
Brain Stem – G# – 400 Hz
The brain stem chakra, also known as the gaya chakra, is located at the skull connects to the neck. This chakra is where our prune or life force energy enters.
Higher Brain Centers – A# – 444.4 Hz
The 444.4 Hz frequency of the Higher Brain Centers. Higher brain centers act as “training wheels” for the lower brain by enabling it to adapt to injury.
High OM. Mid OM And Low OM Tuning Forks

Frequencies, in Hz: 68.05 Hz, 136.1 Hz, 272.2 Hz, 544.4 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 4
Who makes these forks: Ohm Therapeutics Low OHM Tuning Fork, Ohm Therapeutics MID OHM Tuning Fork KIT , Om 136.1hz Tuning Fork by Omnivos, Low Om 68.05 hz Tuning Fork by Omnivos , Ohm Therapeutics High Ohm Octave Tuning Fork Set
Special features of this set:
There are 4 common Ohm or OM frequency tuning forks as follows. Although there are higher ohms than those listed here, they are generally harder to find and sometimes custom made.
Low Ohm 68.05 Hz
Mid Ohm 136.1 Hz
High Ohm 272.2
Ultra High Ohm 544.4 Hz
The ancient Veda scriptures describe the OM, or OHM or AUM sound as the sound source of creation. These powerful frequencies are used for grounding, heart balancing and connecting with mother Gaia.
Low Ohm Tuning Fork 68.05 Hz:
The low ohm has a deep resonance that I find soothing and relaxing. This fork is perfect for getting grounded. Its low tone is comfortable and perfect for body work.
It can be used for muscle soreness, swelling, inflammation and general healing. Bothe the low and mid ohm forks fall into a spacial healing frequency of between 25 Hz and 150 Hz that are known for reducing inflammation, swelling and promoting healing. Therefore the low and mid ohm forks are often combined in healing practices.
Mid Ohm Tuning Fork 136.1 Hz:
The 136.1 Hz tuning fork is one of my personal favorite among all tuning fork frequencies. This mid ohm fork is often included in other tuning fork sets for healing such as the planetary tuning fork set.
Not only was this frequency used to tune instruments like the sitar in Indian temples, but its known for stimulating the heart chakra and it has inherent healing properties as it falls within the physical body healing Hz range of 25 Hz to 150 Hz.
High Ohm Tuning Fork272.2 Hz:
This high Ohm tuning fork is one octave higher than the mid Ohm tuning fork.
This octave of the earth frequency is great for balancing the higher chakras including the crown and 3rd eye chakras.
Ultra High Ohm Tuning Fork
This ultra high ohm tuning fork set is two octaves higher than the Mid ohm tuning fork. While the lower Ohm forks are great for grounding but this ultra high tone or frequency facilitates a deep connection to mother Gaia.
Planetary Tuners Aka Cosmic Octave Tuning fork set

Frequencies, in Hz: Varies based on set, see below for details
Number of tuning forks in set: Meinl makes about 20 different forks while Biosonics and Tools for Wellness have 11 fork sets
Who makes this set: Biosonics Planetary Tuning Forks, Meinl Sun Tuning Fork, Cosmic Octave Planetary Tuning Fork Set
Special features of this tuning fork healing set:
The Meinl planetary tuning for set and the Tools For Wellness Tuning fork set are both based off the cosmic Octave frequencies toned to each planet or celestial body, although Meinl produces 20 or so separate forks whereas Tools for wellness planetary set is a set of 11 tuning forks for healing.
The frequency for the Meinl planetary tuning forks which are generally sold individually are as follows.
Platonic Earth 172.06
Uranus 207.36
Synodic Moon 210.42
The Biosonics Planetary set are aligned with the frequency and energy of specific planets. The planetary tuners can bring an astrological element to healing, readings, meditation and bodywork.
The tuning fork healing frequencies of the Biosonics planetary tuners are as follows:
Moon 420.88
Sun 252.44
Mercury 282.54
Venus 442.46
Earth 272.2
Mars 289.44
Jupiter 367.16
Saturn 295.7
Uranus 414.72
Neptune 422.88
Pluto 280.5
Brain Tuners Tuning Fork Set aka Brainwave Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 271 Hz, 267 Hz, 262 Hz, 259 Hz, 256 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 5
Who makes this set: Biosonics Set of 5 Brain Tuning Forks, Tools for Wellness Brain Tuner Tuning Fork Set of 5
Special features of this set:
This is one of my favorite sets of tuning forks because it is able to induce specific brain states and using the fundamental fork together a state creating tuning fork to create binaural beats. How cool would it be to use tuning forks to create binaural beats or get into a meditative state?
The brain tuners tuning fork set is based on brain waves and mapping specific states of consciousness, so that the forks can be used to entrain the brain to those states of consciousness.
These sets also include the fundamental tuner I mentioned above, which is used with each brain state fork, to create a binaural beat. A binaural beat is created in your brain as it try to sync op the two separate frequencies.
To create the binaural beat you simply activate both tuners and hold one at each ear, about 10 to 20 centimeters from the ear, as long as the listener is comfortable.
Overall the brain tuner set is a great tuning fork healing set for healing the mind.
Leonardo Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 256 Hz C, 341.3 F, 384 Hz G 426.7 Hz A
Number of tuning forks in set: 4
Who makes this set: Biosonics Set of 4 Leonardo Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
The Leonardo tuning fork set is made by bionics and used Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian man along with the geometric proportions of the human body depicted in the Vitruvian man as the basis of the frequencies of this 4 tuning fork set.
This set can be purchased as a set of 4, or if you already have the body tuners you can get the upgrade to complete the set.
Asteroid Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 236.4, 249.26, 299.94, 343.2, 472.06
Number forks in this tuning fork healing set: 5
Who makes this set: Biosonics Set of 5 Asteroid Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
There are 5 tuning forks in the asteroid tuner set. They correspond with celestial elements as well. Here are the tuning fork healing frequencies;
Ceres (earth) 236.4
Ceres represents losing a love and returning love, connection, self care and self love.
Juno (water) 249.26
Juno is a sister of ceres and reins in the realm of love and marriage. She is particularly potent for water signs and can be used with the planetary tuners for astrological readings and specific healings.
Vesta (fire) 299.94
Vesta represents our spiritual path and is involved with magic and the sacred. She is also related to rituals of purification, especially fire rituals. She is the goddess of hearth and home and keeper of the sacred flame.
Chiron (aether) 343.2
Chiron is a helper is revealing our core woulds and childhood trauma and panting the way towards healing. Chiron is about self healing in an emotional, mental and spiritual sense.
Pallas (air) 472.06
Pallas represents our endeavors out in the world. Palls covers wisdom and talent, which could relate to career, and Palls also covers justice and the legal system. The realms of business, negotioating and sales belong to pallas.
Moses Code Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 1st fork, EHYEH is between high E and low F and is 336 Hz, 2nd fork Asher is between low C and high B and is 250.5 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 2
Who makes this set: Jonathan Goldman MOSES CODE Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
The Frequencies of the Moses code tuning forks based in the gematria of the holy name ¨I am¨. When both Moses code tuning forks are played together they create this divine name.
The Moses code set was specifically created for James Twyman author of the book the Moses Code.
The frequency notes and name of the tuning forks are as follows:
EHYEH ¨ I AM ¨ Between high E and low F.
ASHER ¨That¨ between low C and high B
Together I AM that I AM
According to James Twyman, the Moses code is capable of bringing all your most desired manifestations to light, and is a powerful attracting tool.
If you want to hear some beautiful free to stream Moses code music, including this tuning fork healing set along with other healing instruments, check out the dream flute international page.
Lemurian Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 432, 540, 699, 324 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 4
Who makes this set: Jonathan Goldman The Lemurian Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
The frequencies of the lemurian tuning fork set are based on the pythagorean triangle and the phi ration. These frequencies open create a sonic merkaba opening the gateway to a voyage of consciousness.
Gaia Frequency Tuning Fork Set (Body Tuning set & Brain Tuning Set)

Frequencies, in Hz: Brain Tuners; 250.56 &258.39 Body Tuners 125.28 &133.11Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 2
Who makes this set: Jonathan Goldman’s Gaia Frequency Body Tuners, Jonathan Goldmans Gaia Frequency Brain Tuners
Special features of this set:
There are two sets within the Gaia frequency tuner series. There are the Brain tuners and the Body tuners. The brain tuners have a higher frequency and the body tuners have a lower frequency as follows:
Gaia Frequency Brain Tuners: 250.56 Hz and 258.39 Hz
Gaia Frequency Body Tuners: 125.28 Hz and 133.11 Hz
These tuners are set to a harmonic of the Schumann Resonance, or the earths frequency. Playing each fork in the Gaia frequency pair together create the Schumann Resonance as a binaural beat of 7.83 Hz.
Using either set of tuners allows us to come into alignment with the earth frequency. It allows for grounding, healing and balance.
The body tuners can facilitate rejuvenation and releasing tension in the body by bringing balance to the lymph systems, nervous system, and body tissue thanks to their healing frequency. This tuning fork healing set is ideal for healers of many disciplines.
DNA Phi Ratio Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 288 Hz D note, 468 Hz A#
Number of tuning forks in set: 2
Who makes this set: Jonathan Goldman’s D n’ A Phi Ratio Tuning Fork Kit
Special features of this set:
The DNA Phi Ratio tuning forks are based in the sacred Phi ratio of 8:13, which is not an interval normally found in music. The 8:13 ratio is part of the golden ratio and is seen in the illustration below.

Just like the 8:13 ratio mathematically equates to 1.625, so do the DNA Phi tuning forks. When you sound both tuning forks together, they create this sacred frequency. This frequency represents the outer spiral of the golden ratio and has been called an angelic frequency.
Archangels Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: Frequencies are proprietary knowledge and created by sound and energy healer Anne Christine Tooley
Number of tuning forks in set:12
Special features of this set:
This 12 piece Kabbala tree of life archangel set of tuning forks is only sold by Luminanti it includes the 10 archangels the 11 for 11th fork is the Shekinah fork which is associated with the tree of life and the 12 fork is the tree of life archangels combined to form the holy host of archangels
This set can be used to call an individual archangel or they can be used together with the Kabbalah tree of life.
Anne Christine Tooley personally created the frequencies of these tuning forks using gematria. gematria is a numerology of the Hebrew language.
DNA Nucleotides Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 545.6, 550, 543.4, 537.8
Number of tuning forks in set: 4
Who makes this set: Luminanti DNA Nucleotides Tuning Fork Set
Special features of this set:
Susan Alexander Musician and researcher set out to discover if DNA made a sound and if it could be recorded.
She discovered that yes, DNA does make sound and found the distinct frequencies of each DNA nucleotide.
Those frequencies are the basis of this DNA nucleotide tuning fork healing set.
According to Susan: ¨”Perhaps on a very deep level the body recognises itself – hears something familiar in the music. It’s a theory. ¨
There frequencies of this tuning fork healing set and the corresponding nucleotides are as follows:
Adenine – 545.6 Hz
Guanine – 550 HZ
Thymine – 543.4 Hz
Cytocine – 537.8 Hz
Human Organs Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 321.9 Hz, 492.8 Hz, 319.88 Hz, 317.83 Hz, 352 Hz, 281 Hz, 220 Hz, 176 Hz, 164.3 Hz, 117.3 Hz, 110 Hz, 315.8 Hz 295.8 Hz, 324 Hz, 418.3 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 15
Who makes this set: Medivibe made in the USA Human Organs Tuning Fork set, BioTune Human Organ Tuning Fork Set, Tools for Wellness Human Organ Tuning Fork Set
Special features of this set:
Each tuning fork in this set is tuned to the frequency of a human organ. The frequencies were found and researched by sound therapy pioneer Barbara Hero and the Lambda Research Institute who created the table of frequencies.
According to Barbaras website: “the frequencies of the different organs of the body were provided by ultrasonic frequencies from one of the hospitals in my area. I then calculated the frequencies to be in musically audible reference octaves. The Hertz frequencies fall between the cracks of a piano keyboard so the scale is not a familiar one in the Western world.¨
Although these frequencies are not normally found in western modern music, it is interesting to know that the ancients of India and the east did use these frequencies in music. Maybe they were onto something?
Barbara is the author of many books, including The Glass Bead and The Knot Theory of Relationships which is a book about finding frequencies and musical harmonics.
The specific frequencies and corresponding body organs in the Hunan Organ Tuning fork healing set are as follows:
Stomach – A 110 Hz
Pancreas – C# 117.3 Hz
Gall Bladder – E 164.3 Hz
Colon – F 176 Hz
Lungs – A 220 Hz
Intestines – C# 281 Hz
Fat Cells – C# 295.8 Hz
Brain – Eb 315.8 Hz
Liver – Eb 317.83 Hz
Kidneys – Eb 319.88 Hz
Blood – E 321.9 Hz
Muscles – E 324 Hz
Bladder – F 352 Hz
Bone – Ab 418.3 Hz
Adrenals, Thyroid & Parathyroids – B 492.8 Hz
Each tuning fork can bring balance to the organ it is directed at, making this a pretty useful and specific set of tuning forks.
Interesting note: some sellers say using the fat cells tuner and the muscle tuner together may reduce cellulite. Do me a favor and let me know in the comments if you try this and it works. Lol.
Meridian Acupuncture Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: Frequencies are proprietary information.
Number of tuning forks in set: 14
Who makes this set: OM Industries 14 Acupuncture Meridian Tuning Fork Set, Luminanti Meridian Acupuncture set
Special features of this set:
The Meridian tuning Fork set contains 14 forks designed to be used with acupuncture meridians and acupoints, also sometimes called Qi pathways and Qi points. These tuning forks may also be used with the reflex points on the feet or hands.
This set is unique from other sets because of the very wide range of tuning fork frequencies included in the set. The range is from very high frequency tuning forks, to some of the lowest frequency tuning forks.
The tuning forks correspond to accupoints for the following body organs:
Large Intestine
Small Intestine
Triple Heater/Warmer
Gall Bladder
Central Vessel (REN)
Governing Vessel (DU)
Tree of Life Sephiroth Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 187 Hz, 298 Hz, 320 Hz, 430 Hz, 531 Hz, 532 Hz, 644 Hz, 757 Hz, 870 Hz, 982 Hz, 1092 Hz, 1554 Hz
Number of forks in this tuning fork healing set: 12
Who makes this set: Radical 12pc Kabbalah Tree of Life Sephiroth Tuning Forks
Special features of this set:
The Kabbalah tree of life Sephiroth tuning fork set includes frequencies researched by Anne Christine Tooley using the the numerology of gematria.
This is a 12 fork set with ten of the forks representing the 10 sephirah of the tree of life. The other forks include a fork for the Da´ath or the void, and the genesis or the lightning strike representing the creation.
This set was designed to be used by spiritual healers who follow the kabbalistic .
This set includes:
Binah – Understanding 187 Hz
Geburah – Justice 298 Hz
Yesod – The Foundation 320 Hz
Chokmah – Wisdom 430 Hz
Lightning Flash – Manifestation of All 531Hz
Malkuth – The Kingdom 532 Hz
Netzach – Eternity 644 Hz
Tipareth – Beauty 757 Hz
Hod – Glory 870 Hz
Chesed – Mercy / Love 982 Hz
Keter – The Crown 1092 Hz
Da’ath – The Void 1552 Hz
Luna Planetary 5th Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 210.42 Hz, 105.21 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 2
Who makes this set: Ohm Therapeutics Luna™ Octave Set
Special features of this set:
This two tuning fork set for healing includes the mid and low Luna tuning forks of 210.42 Hz and 105.21 Hz.
The set includes a small instructional card that shows you how to use the forks and illustrates the traditional Chinese medicine accupoints they can be used with.
When these two forks are activated together they create the Luna octave. Of you use them with the low and mid ohm tuning forks, they create the planetary 5th, and in this way, the Luna set build upon the Ohm set.
One concept behind this set is that since the moon rules water and our bodies are composed with a large part being water, these forks can be used to move water in the body. They are suggested for conditions such as edema, water retention, inflammation, bloating, and joint pain.
Sun and Moon Tuning Fork Set

Frequencies, in Hz: 210.42 and 126.22
Number of tuning forks in set: 2
Who makes this set: Soma sun and Moon tuning Fork Set
Special features of this tuning fork healing set:
The sun and moon tuners are calibrated to the frequency of the Gaia´s sun and moon within the cosmic octave according to Hans Cousto.
The solar consciousness is fixed and unchanging whereas the Lunar consciousness is changing, flexible and sensitive.
We humans here on mother Gaia need to be balanced between the two.
These particular frequencies, when played together harmonize the recipient with balance between the universal solar consciousness and the Lunar Empirical consciousness.
The sun and moon tuning fork frequencies are as follows:
Sun – 126.22 Hz
Moon – 210.42 Hz
OTTO Tuning Fork

Frequencies, in Hz: 128 Hz, 64 Hz, 32 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 1 to 3, these are sometimes sold in sets, sometimes individually
Who makes this set: Otto 128 hz Tuning Fork by Omnivos, Radical Otto set, Tuning Fork Shop OTTO set, Biosonics 128 Hz Otto Tuning Fork
Special features of this set:
The OTTO tuning forks give you a clue to how they are used right in their name. OTTO means Osteophonic which is to vibrate the bones. The OTTO tuning forks are weighted so they really vibrate well, deep into the tissue, making them wonderful healers.
The three frequencies of the OTTO tuning forks are 128Hz, 64 Hz and 32 Hz which are an octave apart.
These tuning forks promote nitric oxide production in the body, which promotes healing. In fact the 128 Hz tuning fork is earth tuned and has been shown to cause the body to produce nitric oxide in less than 30 seconds.
Use the stem of the fork directly over the heart to activate the heart chakra.
The 64 Hz Fork is great for the spine and nervous system, while the very low frequency 32 Hz can be used over the skin to move lymph fluid.
432hz Tuning Fork

Tuning fork frequency in Hz: 432
Who makes this fork: Omnivos
Special features of this set:
Tuning fork 432 Hz is a harmonic of the earths own frequency. It is said to resonate with the cells of the body to promote healing.
The 432 Hz Frequency is also the frequency of the heart meridian as it pertains to accupoints in the TCM medicine system.
Interestingly, much of todays popular music is tuned to 440 Hz, which is said to be disharmonious. 440 is not evenly divisible not 3,6 or 9.
432 Hz IS divisible in whole numbers by 3, 6 and 9 and is harmonious with these divine numbers.

528hz Tuning Fork

Tuning fork frequency, in Hz: 528 Hz
Who makes this fork: Omnivos
Special features of this set:
The 528 Hz tuned fork is one frequency from the powerful solfeggio frequencies. It is called the Love frequency of the solfeggio scale and is said to connect your heart to heaven and earth.
Using pythagorean math, the tuning fork 528 Hz frequency resolves down to a 6, which is the number of manifestation into the physical. It is thought this love frequency manifests all matter and energy into this physical reality.
Don’t confuse the 528 Hz fork with the tuning fork 512 Hz. The 512 Hz tuning fork is common for doctors to use to check hearing in patients.
Pineal Activator Tuning Fork Kit

Tuning fork frequency, in Hz: 2676 Hz
Number of tuning forks in set: 1
Who makes this set: Jonathan Goldman Pineal Tuning Forks, Soma
Special features of this set:
This extremely high pitched tuning fork is set to 2676 Hz, which is the note of E and a perfect 5th to an A note tuning fork of 446 Hz.
This high pitched fork is designed to use in your energy field, in front of your forehead and near the crown of your head, between the eyes.. Its too high pitched to use near the ears, so beware.
To my ears, this frequency sounds a lot like when my ears ring, and the frequency is said to open your third eye, enhance inborn psychic abilities and further the expansion of the universe by facilitating expansion of our soul evolution.
Tuning Fork Set FAQs
What Tuning Fork sets play an Octave?
¨ An octave, in music, is an interval whose higher note has a sound-wave frequency of vibration twice that of its lower note. Thus the international standard pitch A above middle C vibrates at 440 hertz (cycles per second); the octave above this A vibrates at 880 hertz, while the octave below it vibrates at 220 hertz. ¨ Source
Tuning fork sets which have octave frequencies include: the three OTTO tuning forks. The three frequencies of the OTTO tuning forks are 128Hz, 64 Hz and 32 Hz which are an octave apart.
The set of Luna Planetary 5th Tuning forks are one octave apart in their frequencies as are all the Ohm Tuning forks which are as follows:
Low Ohm 68.05 Hz
Mid Ohm 136.1 Hz
High Ohm 272.2
Ultra High Ohm 544.4 Hz
So you can see that each frequency doubles the one prior.Which is Better steel or aluminum tuning forks?
Eileen Day McKusik in her book Tuning the Human Biofield, aluminum forks are superior to steel forks. Aluminum forks produce an overtone and these overtones are what healers use during sound therapy in the biofield to search out resistance in the biofuels. If the healer can not hear the overtone nor the changes to the tone, it is harder to perform the Biofield healing.Which is better, machined or molded tuning forks?
Machined American made tuning fork sets for healing are preferable to cheap molded forks. They have better vibration and sound quality. Omnivos, Biofield tuning, Luminanti tuning forks and Medivibe are all American made tuning forks.Which is better, weighted or unweighted tuning forks?
Weighted tuning forks are ideal for body work where the tuning fork handle is placed directly on the body. Weighted tuning forks have a longer and stronger sound, and of course, a strong vibration. If you are healing with tuning forks, weighted forks are great. Generally it is only practical to have weighted tuning forks in the lower frequency range from 32 Hz weighted tuning fork on up to 272.2 Hz tuning forks.
What are the best tuning Fork brands?
Biofield Tuning
Biofield tuning makes hand machined aluminum tuning forks made in America. The company makes my favorite, the sonic slider, and was founded by renowned sound therapy healer and researcher Eileen McKusick, who is also the author of Tuning the Human Biofield. Ahe is an excellent resource when it comes to healing with tuning forks.
Medivibe Tuning Forks
Medivibe makes quality aluminum machined tuning forks made in the USA.
Omnivos Tuning Forks
Omnivos provides tuning forks made in the USA and their selection of single forks and sets is large.
Luminanti Tuning Forks
Luminanti provides tuning forks made in America. They are aluminum and hand machined to precision. Luminanti makes many specialty and unique tuning fork sets and they are well worth checking out.
Biosonics Tuning Forks
Biosonics tuning forks are proudly made in the USA tuning forks and they are designed by John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D innovator in sound therapy.
Ohm Therapeutics
Ohm Therapeutics makes medical grade made in the USA tuning forks of the highest quality. They make a few unique sets that I really like, including the OHM frequency set, and have a good selection of weighted tuning forks.
Jonathan Goldman Tuning Forks
Jonathan Goldman is a well known sound healer and offers some very high quality unique tuning fork sets through his healing sounds website, on Amazon, and with other sound therapy shops.
Soma Tuning Forks
Soma energetics provides tuning forks and tuning fork accessories with the intention of awakening us as we head to the 5th dimension. Soma Energetics was created by David Hulse who is a Certified Vibrational Sound Master Teacher and motivational teacher.
Meinl Sonic Energy Tuning Forks
Meinl is a German based provider of all types and style of musical instruments, including Djembe drums and tuning forks.
Fun Tidbit:
The tuning fork guy Dr. Strange is called Black Bolt. He wears a tuning fork on his forehead to channel his powers. Source.
I for one am glad we don´t need to actually wear the tuning fork to harness its healing power, but I must say it does have a striking visual effect.

Thats all folks. Thats all the tuning forks for sale I could find. If you want to add to this curated list of tuning fork kits, drop us a line at info@highvibrationstation.com
Much love!
Miss Katie Lyn
Take our QUIZ: What Shaman Musical Instrument are You?

Radio Frequency
“Radio Frequency” is my email list reserved for Fellow Travelers, Matrix Escapees, Psychonauts, Shamanic Journeyers, Alchemists, Interdimensionals, Inquiring Minds, & Mad Hatters; those who dare to join & explore wonderland with me.
I enjoyed this insightful article and suggest you in the Magnificant SWB256 Tuning Forks to your List. Thanks again, Carli Logan.
I need gem feet to use with my Jonathan Goldman Gaia Body Tuners. What gem feet, from which manufacturer, will fit those tuners?
great site
Wow, amazing work, thank you so much, Katie!
Hi Katie Lyn, a quick note to say thank you for compiling this list of tuning forks and frequencies. This is a really helpful reference!
Kind regards,
I’m fascinated by the whole thing, do prices make a difference? Or are they all similar in price? I guess it depends on what you’re looking to do with them exactly, but I’d like a little idea of what one would be paying. It’d be cool to exchange instead of buying.🥰
Thank you so much
Very thorough list , well done,
I’m fascinated by the whole sound vibration healing process/technique and it just feels so right .
I was just thinking though, prices make a difference? Or are they all similar in price? I guess it depends on what you’re looking to do with them exactly,how many you need…but I’d like a little idea of what one would be paying. It’s such a comprehensive comparison but I have no clue as to what to expect to pay. Ill just have to do the research myself. ( argh!)
thank you again 🥰