Has someone in your life asked for a metal singing bowl as a gift? Are trying to decide whats to get among all the Tibetan singing bowl sets out there?
You are in the right spot.
Here are 10 of the best Himalayan singing bowls sets, carefully curated to include only the best quality Tibetan singing bowl sets.
Note: if you are looking for Crystal singing bowls, check this out.
Tibetan Singing Bowl Set Reviews
Ohm Store Lingam and Yoni Tibetan Singing Bowl set

You may acquire these singing bowls separately or as a set of Lingam and Yoni singing bowls.
Size: Yoni bowl is 3.9” and weighs 15 oz (about 425 grams) , the Lingam bowl is 4” and weighs 12 oz (about 340 grams).
Sound Samples:
Lingam and Yoni Singing Bowl Review:
This set of Lingam and Yoni singing bowls, as a pair, represent the masculine and feminine aspects of all of creation in its totality.
Lingam singing bowls are rare, and the Ohm store, wishing to preserve the meaning and history of the Lingam bowl, created these 4 inch lingam and Yoni bowls made in Kathmandu, Nepal so the heritage will not be lost.
The Lingam bowl features a conical shaped protrusion in the center representing the phallus and represents the masculine role in creation.
The Yoni singing bowl features a contemporary style representation of the Yoni, in the form of a dharma healing eye and represents the feminine aspect of creation.
Both bowls are hand crafted by artisans who cast the bowl first, then follow a process to hammer the bowl and give it luster. Finally the bowl is dipped in a solution before the final engraving. These bowls are offered by the Ohm store, purveyors of choice singing bowls.
Each bowl includes a leather wrapped teak mallet and a pillow made with Tibetan cotton.
Meinl Sonic Energy 4 Piece Large Bronze Cosmos Series Singing Bowl Set

3.7” diameter with 250g weight,
7.6” diameter with 1000g weight,
9” diameter with 1500 g weight
10.3” diameter with 2000g weight.
Sound Samples:
Sound sample of Meinl 3.7¨ inch Bowl
Sound sample of Meinl 7.6¨ inch Bowl
Meinl Cosmos Singing Bowl Review:
The Meinl Cosmos series singing bowls are hand crafted in India.
They are made with a unique bronze alloy designed for a long sustain and lingering sound.
These singing bowls are custom hammered for wider bellies which create a rich resonant sound.
The Cosmo Series singing bowls were created with the sound healers practice in mind. These are professional quality singing bowls, with a deep sonorous sound required for sound bath and sound therapy.
Silver Sky Imports 4 Piece 432 Hz Tibetan Singing Bowl Set

8” diameter F Note weighs 1081 grams
8.75” diameter D Note weighs 1362 grams
8.75” diameter E note weighs 1420 grams
10.25” diameter B note weighs 2100 grams
Silver Sky Singing Bowl set Review:
These Chakra tuned singing bowls are tuned to specific fundamental notes.
The 8 ¨bowl is set to the note of F, The 8.75” bowl is set to an E Note for the solar plexus chakra, the other 8.75” singing bowl is tuned to a D note for the sacral chakra and the large 10.25 inch Tibetan singing bowl is tuned to a B note corresponding to the Crown Chakra.
This Tibetan singing bowl chakra set would make a cherished gift. My favorite aspect of this set, which deserves recognition, is the size of these bowls. They are large singing bowls, when compared to other singing bowls on Amazon.
Meinl Origin Series 3 Piece Bronze Singing Bowl Set

Meinl Origins Singing Bowl Set Review:
The Meinl Origin Series Himalayan singing bowls are created with their original and natural sand cast patina intact.
They are not polished, but instead have a pleasing rustic look with an energy that matches.
The earthy surface of these singing bowls call to mind the elemental origin of creation that connects us all.
These Himalayan singing bowls are made by hand in India from bronze alloy.
The deep and resonant song of these humble singing bowls will surprise and enchant you.
Gandhanra Himalayan Singing Bowl Set

Sizes: The Gandhanra Buddha Tibetan singing bowls are a series, but they are each sold separately.
Each bowl is available in the following diameter and weight:
4.13” inch & 550g or 19.4oz
4.92” inch 850g or 29.98oz
5.71inch 1050g or 37.0oz
6.50inch)/ 1350g or 47.6oz.
Gandhanra Himalayan Singing Bowl Set Review:
This is a series singing bowls based on Buddhist thought. These Tibetan singing bowls are crafted by Tibetan artisans.
There are three bowls currently available, each sold separately. The three bowls represent different aspects of Buddhism.
The bowls are inscribed on the exterior and and featured a cast raised motif of either The Five great Buddhas, Amitayus Buddha or the Crossed Vajra depending on which bowl you select.
These Tibetan singing bowls are made of “panchaloga” metal. Panchaloga is a Sanskrit word meaning five-metal alloy including copper, zinc, iron, with trace amounts of gold and silver.
These bowls are not only beautiful to behold, they are heavy, high quality, resonant bowls that will deepen your spiritual practice.
Ohm Store Ancient Designs Himalayan Singing Bowl Series

Inner space bowl 710 g or 1.6 lbs 6.5” dia.
Tree of Life bowl 770 g or 1.7 lbs 6.7” dia.
Sound Sample
Ohm Store Ancient Design Series Himalayan Singing Bowls Review:
These singing bowls are part of the Ancient Design series of singing bowls by the Ohm Store ,but are sold separately.
They are handmade in India and finished in Nepal by experienced singing bowl artisans.
They are adorned on the exterior and interior with stunning unique designs. One I particularly like is the moon phases etching on the exterior of the Inner Space bowl. This is truthfully one of my favorite Tibetan Singing Bowl sets due to the size of the bowls and the design.
These are simply gorgeous high quality Himalayan singing bowls that would make a wonderful gift for yourself or a loved one.
Telsha Deep Belly Tibetan Singing Bowl

Telsha Himalayan Singing Bowl Review:
The Telsha Deep belly bowl is an absolutely stunning Himalayan singing bowl which is several inches deeper than most singing bowls. It has the appearance of the slightly deeper Japanese Rin Gong, IMO.
They resonanate beautifully when struck, as you can hear from the video.
This particular bowl is made in India where it is machined and then lightly hammered with attention to detail, so it has a more even diameter and uniform thickness than a completely handmade bowl.
This bowl has a light weight for its dimensions yet it’s tone is deep and rich.
This is a high quality Himalayan singing bowl and any healer would be honored to have this instrument to use in their practice.
DharmaObjects Singing Bowl Buddhism Series

DharmaObjects Himalayan Singing Bowls Review
OM Tibetan Singing Bowl
Om, Ohm or ॐ is a chant or vocalization used in meditation and other spiritual practices including Buddhism. Om emanates as the original sound of creation. Om connects all of nature and the universe.
8 Lucky Symbols Tibetan Singing Bowl
The 8 symbols of good fortune of Buddhism represent the gifts given to Buddha by the gods after enlightenment. These symbols include a white parasol, a conch shell, a treasure vase, a victory banner, a dharma wheel, a pair of golden fish, an endless knot, and a lotus flower.
Buddha Singing Bowl
Buddha gave the original teachings of Buddhism also known as Dharmavinaya of doctrine and disciplines.
These handsome, affordable, Tibetan singing bowls are for sale in several sizes so you can customize your set in a way that resonates with you, mixing and matching large singing bowls with smaller ones.
Each of the singing bowls in the DharmaObjects series are sold separately. Each bowl is available in the following 4 sizes:
5” diameter 3” depth 400 gram weight
6” diameter 3” depth 490 gram weight
Silent Mind Singing Bowl Set Meditation Series

These small Himalayan singing bowls are each 4 inches in diameter, 2.5” depth and 15.5 Oz, just under one pound each, or 440 grams for comparison.
Silent Mind Meditation Series Singing Bowls Review:
Each of bowls in this Tibetan singing bowl meditation series are sold separately. They are all the same size and weight, but each features one of 4 designs, Bliss, Gratitude, Peace and Balance.
These singing bows are made by machine in Nepal with a handmade finish. They have a rich clear sound and are easy to sing.
Their small size makes them portable, their beauty makes for a great conversation piece, and their relaxing sound facilitates a calming, mind clearing meditation.
Tibetan Singing Bowl Gift Set by Ohm Store

This Tibetan sining bowl gift set is undoubtably one of the most popular Tibetan singing bowl sets for sale on Amazon.
It includes a quality gift box, a superbly crafted teak wood mallet and a Tibetan singing bowl D note.
If you wake (strike) the bell, it’s G flat and if you make the bowl sing, it’s D flat.
This is a small portable bowl that fits easily in the palm of your hand.
This is an affordable Tibetan singing bowl gift set that will bring joy to the recipient.
Tibetan Singing Bowl Set FAQs
How to use a Tibetan singing bowl?
If you are new to Himalayan singing bowls, it helps to know a few Tibetan singing bowl tips to have the most success singing your bowl.
Before I start laying out my Tibetan singing bowl technique, I just want to say this:
The singing bowl is a musical instrument. Like all must¡ical instruments, it takes some time and practice to learn how to play. You would not expect to pick up a Kalimba or Pan Flute and make beautiful music straight away, right?
Having said that, a singing bowl is, IMO, much easier to learn than those instruments, but you should still expect a small learning curve, so don´t give up if you do not sound like the experienced healers or mediation musicians playing the Tibetan singing bowls on Youtube when you first start.
To start singing your bowl:
Hold the singing bowl in your palm. If your bowl is particularity small, hold it with your fingertips so you don’t dampen the vibration.
Hold the mallet at the center and glide the mallet around the outer rim of your bowl. Don’t use your wrist to move your mallet, but instead move your arm in the circular motion because you need to always keep the mallet pointed as straight up and down as is possible.
Apply a little pressure as you slide the mallet, its the friction that causes the vibration and sound. Try it slowly at first. Going too fast is a common rookie mistake. You have to coax the sound and allow it to build up as the bowl begins vibrating.
Experiment with speed and pressure and remember if you are using a smaller bowl use your fingertips so you don’t dampen the vibration of your singing bowl.
The vibration of the bowl is what makes your singing bowl sing.What are Tibetan singing bowls made out of?
Many metal singing bowls today are made with Brass, which according to Wikipedia is an alloy of copper and zinc.
Himalayan singing bowls may also be made from Bronze, which is copper, tin and occasionally small amounts of other metals.
Traditionally, authentic Tibetan singing bowls or Himalayan bowls are made from what’s known in Sanskrit as Panchaloga. Panchaloga is a Sanskrit word meaning five-metal alloy including copper, zinc, iron, with trace amounts of gold and silver.
So its likely, if you find a metal Tibetan singing bowl for sale today, its made with either brass or bronze.How do Tibetan Singing Bowls work? Why are Tibetan singing bowls healing?
Here is my opinion and thoughts about why (and how) I believe Tibetan singing bowls “work”. I should disclose that I am a healer who is currently learning sound therapy and reiki.
I believe all types of meditation that allow you to clear the mind work. I use sound in my personal meditation. It gives me a point of focus, takes me out of my monkey mind and gives my mind something to attach to.
If my mind does not have something to focus on during meditation it wanders away and usually finds one of my worries or problems to think about instead of staying clear.
A clear mind, or a mind that is occupied only with listening to a simple sound, is free. Your higher self, or Source as I call it, has an easier time imparting its wisdom to you when your mind is clear and quiet.
So, do singing bowls raise vibrations?
I believe they can, yes, when used during meditation, sound healing and even casual jamming.
I think all types of sound healing and meditation have the potential to raise your vibe. The music is beautiful and soothing and gives your mind a point of focus. When you are not thinking of things that stress you out or bother you, and instead listening to music that relaxes you, you feel better.
The better you feel, the better your energy is and that is the essence of a high vibration.Which Buddhist singing bowl set should I buy? Which Himalayan singing bowl set should I get?
Buy one that makes you feel good when you think about it, play it, hear it and look at it. Listen to the sound samples I provided for each set above and use your ears to find a healing bowl set that resonates with you.
Hot tip:
If you like deep tones, opt for a larger bowl, The smaller bowls produce a higher pitch song.
Note: Sometimes those searching for an Himalayan singing bowl want one with a particular note. The thing is, this is hard to achieve with metal singing bowls. The metal singing bowls are often handmade with variation between bowls that make it challenging to tune to a specific note.
More than that, every metal singing bowl will produce several notes. A metal singing bowl produces one note when struck and can produce a range of notes when sung, so that’s why you do not see too many singing bowls which the maker will say it sings a specific note.Tibetan singing bowls vs crystal singing bowls?
I LOVE crystal singing bowls and I find they are easier to sing than metal singing bowls.
Having said that, they do tend to have a higher pitch compared to metal singing bowls.
E.g. if you listen to a 9 inch Crystal bowl and a 9 inch metal singing bowl, the metal bowl will have a deeper pitch.
Metal singing bowls also produce richer varied overtones whereas a crystal sining bowl produces one clear sound. Its just a property of crystal that is different from how metal behaves, I guess.
It is easier for manufacturers to make crystal singing bowls more uniform and therefore they can often be made to produce a specific note, which some singing bowl connoisseurs like.
I wrote and in depth article on crystal singing bowls here, if you are interested in learning more about these beautiful, healing bowls.Can I use my Tibetan singing bowl with water?
Yes. You can add water to the bowl to change the tone or vibration, and you can also place the bowl floating in a water bath with several other healing bowls to create a unique water gong.
Here is a YouTube Video of someone using water in a Tibetan singing bowl. I love the way the mallet makes the water dance.
Even more interesting, if you add a bit of water to the bottom of the singing bowl, you can see the pattern on the vibration. There is a science that studies visible sound vibration called cymatics and you can get an idea of what this looks like from this Youtube video.
Just have fun with it and experiment with your singing bowl in water.
There is no harm in using the bowl with water. Brass and Bronze bowls were used in the past as bowls for food, so water will not damage them. They may get tarnished from water, but they can be polished again.
Looking for something a little larger? Check out this collection I put together of large singing bowls for your sound healing practice.
I also put together a list of crystal singing bowl sets that has become quite popular. Crystal singing bowls are easier to tune to a particular note can carry all the beneficial properties of quartz crystal, making them sought after.
Well folks, this wraps up my collection of the best Tibetan Singing Bowl sets. I hope you found this piece informative and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
Note: if you are looking for Crystal singing bowls, check this out.
All the best to you beautiful souls!
In Love,
Katie Lyn
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