Categories: Energy Work

How to Get Rid of Anxiety INSTANTLY Using the Heart Resonance Practice

Wanna Get rid of anxiety fast?

Are you feeling as anxious as a squirrel high on truck stop coffee?

I got you, boo!

If you suffer from anxiety like I do, the super quick, Heart Resonance Technique will help you get rid of anxiety fast.

My experience with anxiety

Today I am going to share a quick practice I use to get rid of anxiety.

But first, super quick, I want to share with you my experience with anxiety.

I suffer from anxiety at times, especially in social situations, and I find this practice super helpful, and I hope you do to. You can use this practice anywhere and it just takes a minute to do.

What causes my anxiety

So what causes my anxiety?

Well in my case I am sure some of it is rooted in my childhood trauma, which makes it hard for me to trust people, or makes me feel somehow inadequate, because I experienced that growing up. I plan to talk more about that in a future article, and maybe write an article on how I am doing my shadow work.

Maybe you can relate or your anxiety is rooted in childhood trauma too? (if so, follow me on YT and maybe we travel this journey together)

There are also other anxiety triggers I have.

You probably don’t know this about me, but I do not live in my home country.

I am from the US originally. Seattle Washington, GO HUSKIES!

When I was 36 I moved to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

 It turned my life upside down, to say the least. It was a huge change, one I made with kids and a (now) Ex-husband. There is more to this story, but I will save that for another time because that is not what this article is about.

I say this only to say that learning Spanish was difficult, and I am still to this day learning the language. So anytime I am in a situation where I need to hear or speak Spanish, which is basically everyday, I feel a little anxiety.

My whole life is an anxiety triggering event. LOL. Just kidding. It’s mostly great, but there are challenges, and these challenges are what help us grow, evolve and heal, right?

I notice other things trigger my anxiety too, like not loving myself enough, not living my truth, or being authentic, and too much coffee, that can make me anxious.

When and Why I use this Heart Resonance Practice to Get rid of Anxiety

Heart awareness and feeling the love

OK, so let’s get to the heart resonance practice. The heart resonance practice trains us to put our awareness in our heart, so we feel our heart, feel the love we have for ourselves, and feel the love we have for others.  Its natural to love, that’s our default state.

The Heart resonance technique allows us to feel love for each other. It is calming and soothing. It is hard to feel fear and anxiety when we are feeling love, right?

Where can you do Heart resonance Practice

The cool thing about the heart resonance practice is it can be done anywhere, even in public, which is where I use it the most. When I am meeting new people, or in a group of new people. If I am headed to a party…ughh, for just about any anxiety producing event.

Send love to all

I also use the heart resonance practice to remove anxiety if I feel like someone is sending me bad vibes. I use the heart resonance practice to return love to that person. We ALL need more love in this world.

We are love, our higher purpose is simple-TO LOVE. So this practice is helpful because of that.

How I use the Heart Resonance Practice

Step 1

To do this heart resonance practice start by placing your fingers over your heart. Use your right or left hand, does not matter.

Step 2

Take a deep breath. You can close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing that, but it’s not required. When I am doing the practice and I want to be discreet, I keep my eyes open. It’s up to you, but closing your eyes can help you focus.

Step 3

As you breathe, feel the energy in your heart. It will be easy to do if you have your fingers their over your heart to direct your energy and attention.

Step 4

With each breath in, feel your heart filling with love.

Step 5

On the breath out, feel the love flow out and radiate to those around you.

Step 5 side note:

Once you visualize the love in your heart flowing to those around you, it’s hard to feel anxiety at the same time. You receive love from the source, and that fills you up, and you give love freely, and that benefits everyone.

If it is one person specifically that is causing the anxiety, be sure to direct and focus the love energy at them.

If it is a thought or something else causing anxiety, the next step will help.

Step 6

After you have taken a few deep breaths, say this affirmation, to yourself, or out loud if you want.


“I am safe in my body.”

“I am safe here in my heart space”

As you say these affirmations, continue breathing deeply and feeling your heart energy until you feel calm.

Pro Tip: I will sometimes quickly tap my heart as I say the affirmations. Tapping allows what we are saying to bypass the conscious mind, which can throw out resistance to what you say. It is a useful technique I might get into in another article soon.

Tapping helps bypass the conscious mind.

Wrap up

This entire practice takes me just a few minutes and helps me feel so calm and centered.

It brings my attention back to me, and on the infinite love of source. It helps me feel protected and reminds me that we are all connected, that one is not better or worse than another. That we all have inherent value.

BONUS: QUICK energy protection practice

I mentioned earlier that I would share a quick energy protection practice I use, especially if I feel bad vibes are being directed towards me.

If you want to protect your energy, it’s a simple practice I learned while Studying Reiki.

Visualize the energy cords connected to you. Everything is connected and we are all connected energetically. So what you want to do is cut ties with the bad vibes.

Picture a giant pair of scissors and you can use your hands is a chopping motion, or just picture the scissors.

As you cut or chop the cords, say to yourself or out loud, “I cut all cords of negative energy, and disconnect them from my energy”

Then imagine a bright white cascade of light energy flow over you. Picture is as a mist of vapor. You can inhale this white light, capture it in your hands. Just imagine it filling you with positive source energy.

That’s it! It does not take long.

Signing off

I hope you find this quick energy healing practice to get rid of anxiety useful in your day to day.

If you find my content valuable, find me on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. Links are below, somewhere around here.

Find my other energy work articles here: How to call back your energy, and one of my favorites, How to get grounded.

Love and light energy to you, fellow travelers.

Please remember…be kind to yourself. YOU are home to YOUR heart!

Katie Lyn

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