Energy Work

20 DIY Psychoactive Plants You Can Grow at Home or in Your Garden

Discover 20 DIY psychoactive plants YOU CAN GROW in your Home or Garden for homeopathic, recreational, or medicinal use.

Here are 20 psychoactive plants you can grow in your garden to ease a little pain, brighten your mood, take you on a special journey or just take the edge off a stressful day and allow you to relax and enjoy life.

This list of psychoactive plants includes “where to buy” sources and resources, grow time, climate, How to prepare and take it, and the plant’s traditional medicinal use or recreational use.

NOTE: I am NOT a doctor and can’t give medical advice, recommend dose, or anything like that. Research plants use and possible side effects, and if you choose to use them, do so with caution. Use common sense and seek a doctor’s advice if it is truly needed.

1.Morning Glory (Ipomoea Violacea)

What type of psychoactive drug is Morning Glory?

Morning glory seeds are known to contain LSA, and psychedelic compounds similar to LSD.
What is less known is that fresher seeds contain more of a substance called LSH Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide, which is more similar to LSD and does not cause the drowsiness that LSA sometimes does.
This is why I recommend growing your own plants and use the recipe referenced below to extract the psychedelic compounds.
Morning glory seeds are used for psychedelic trips, similar to LSD, and they can also be used for micro-dosing, using 5 to 10 seeds.
This plant is very beautiful, and a prolific seeder, so watch out, or it may take over your garden before you know it!

I HIGHLY reccomend you check out the extraction method below to get the best experience from this plant. This plant is a favorite of mine and I also grow the plant (pics and details below).

Find Morning Glory on Amazon

What is the best way to extract LSA from Morning Glory seeds?

This recipe favors the extraction of LSH, the component in Morning glory seeds that is most like LSD. The recipe calls for a few specialized ingredients, but it’s not too complicated and I believe it is worth it.

Do you want to know how to extract the active LSA and LSH from Morning Glory seeds?

This BASIC Morning Glory LSH LSA Extraction (AKA Tartic Mint Sherry Extraction) minimizes and some say eliminates nausea caused by Morning Glory seeds and allow you to get an experience that is more like LSD without sleepiness you may get from chewing the seeds.

Morning Glory Seed LSH Extraction Recipe Tools and ingredients:

DL-Tartaric Acid (needed to get the solution to ph 4)
Chilled Spring Water (NO tap water, chlorine destroys alkaloids!)
Cold Sherry (found in a grocery store or where alcohol is sold)
Chilled Bigelow Mint Medley tea
Peppermint Extract drops
1-liter mason jar (get two)
PH meter (must get the solution to 4 pHs)
50 to 400 FRESH morning glory seeds. Grow your own! Fresh seeds have more LSH.
Red light (prevents degradation of alkaloids)
Coffee grinder (to properly, completely grind seeds)
Cotton balls
Distilled water to calibrate the PH meter

The sherry, peppermint tea, and peppermint extract is important for the extraction of LSH because they contain acetaldehyde, so NO substitutions.

NOTE: Heat, light, chlorine, neutral and alkaline water, and age of seeds destroy LSH and LSA alkaloids.

This recipe minimizes sedation and potentiates the psychedelic, entheogenic and euphoric effect of Morning Glory Seeds.

Really basic Summary instructions for extracting LSH from Morning Glory Seeds:
1. Turn off lights and turn on the red light in the room
2. Crush seeds first using a hammer, then place seeds into a coffee grinder until nearly dust.
3. Fill 1-liter mason jar half full with spring water (500 ml of spring water)
4. Place a small pinch of DL-tartaric acid in the water. Test with PH meter. Continue adding a tiny bit of tartaric acid and testing until a PH of 4 is reached. (calibrate the PH meter ahead of time using the calibration packets included with the PH meter and distilled water)
5. Make 1 cup of Mint medley tea according to instructions using spring water. Allow the tea to cool. Its best to use the sun tea method and make the tea ahead of time so you do not need to wait for it to get cold.
6. Add 5 drops of mint extract and 1 shot (1oz) of sherry to the cup of chilled Mint medley tea.
7. Add tea mixture to acidified spring water in the Mason jar. Stir.
8. Add seed powder to Mason jar and stir. Allow to sit in the fridge for 20 min.
9. Gently place 1 cotton ball in a funnel and pour the solution through slowly into your second mason jar.
10. Place solution back in the fridge for several hours, shaking hourly.
11. Drink and enjoy the ride!

Find the entire recipe near the bottom of this reddit post containing the LSH extraction from Morning Glory. (Recipe starts far down the post where it reads Dream procedure)

While I have not tried this extraction on seeds other than Morning Glory, I have a hunch this process may also work on HBWR Hawaiian Baby Wood rose seeds and Rivea corymbosa Ololiuhqui seeds, which have similar compounds and are in the same family as the Morning Glory seeds.

Find Morning Glory on Amazon

How do you grow Morning Glory Ipomoea Violacea seeds?

See my NEW comprehensive article on how to grow morning glory from seed, here.

The first step is to get some high quality seeds in a variety you like. I grow Ipomoea Violacea in my yard. Here is a picture of the LITERAL seeds I use:

You can Buy morning glory Ipomoea Violacea seeds here: Find Morning Glory on Amazon
You plant the seeds individually about 5 inches apart. I use 6 seeds per bucket. You can plant more if your seeds are old, but thin them later so you have about 6 vines in one bucket, or pot.
Plant them in rich soil and barly cover the seeds with moist soil. I also use coco coir (shredded coconut) on top to keep everything moist.

The trick to growing morning glory seeds is they NEED shade at first. This plant grows naturally from the underbrush and creates a long ass vine that will grow as high as it can get and grow up up and away on just about anything it can reach.

I put my bucket under my guyaba tree to give the seedlings shade. See:

The seeds sprout in under a week if the weather is nice and warm. The seedlings remind me of dragon fly wings. They are brownish purple or green at first. As you can see from the pic above, they NEED something to grow uo on and climb, so make something. You can buy a trellis of use thin branches as I have done. I use old clothes and cut fabric strips to tie the corners. It is not the most glamorous, but it gets the job done.

The flowers of my plants look like this:

This pic is from my last plant grown downstairs. I have learned a lot since that grow and that is why I am sharing these tips here. This flower is really more purple than blue, with true purple stripes. I buy them from a Mexican ethno botanical shaman website in Mexico, but you can just as easily order them from online in the US and might even find them in a garden shop.

The plant will eventually climb as high as it can get. It needs a little water, but to be honest, these are considered a weed where they grow natively and have to be the easiest plant I have grown.

Once you ignore them for a while, (about 120 days), one day you will step out into your garden and see these beautiful flowers. Take a picture! The flowers last just 12 hours before they fade away. But don’t cry, new ones bloom every day. Seeds come from a pod under the flower that takes a few weeks to grow.

If you have a question about these plants that you want to ask, use the comments section to ask, I read them all.

What is the Best Climate for Morning Glory?

Morning glories grow best in warm climates with loose, rich black soil. They are a vine and love to climb, so provide them a fence or trellis or some object to climb.

You can sprout the plants in a paper towel, they readily sprout. Then just put them in the soil, barely cover with dirt, and give the seedlings shade. Once the sprouts start talking off, they need more sun and something to grow on, like a fence or trellis.

2. Psilocybin Mushrooms

Psilocybin mushrooms are highly psychoactive and in large enough quantity, hallucinogenic. They are number one on my hallucinogenic plants list. They are used for full-blown psychedelic trips, and also have medicinal qualities that help with certain mental disorders like depression or anxiety, to name just a few.

Psilocybin mushrooms are surprisingly easy to grow at home. I recommend Uncle Ben’s Tek method of growing mushrooms at home because it is so simple.

How long do Psilocybin Mushrooms take to go from Spore to Harvest?

Psilocybin mushrooms are grown from spores contained in a syringe. The inoculation and colonization phase lasts about 1 to two weeks. The fruiting or spawning phase lasts a few weeks give or take. That means the whole process is done in about a month, give or take a few days, depending on growing conditions and mushroom strain.

It’s super easy to grow psilocybin mushrooms at home, check out this article I wrote covering Uncle Ben’s Tek method of easily growing magic mushrooms from home.

What is the Best Climate for Psilocybin mushrooms?

Psilocybin mushrooms grow in specific heat and humidity that you must control.
Psilocybin mushrooms colonize at between 75 and 80 degrees and falling outside that temp affects growth.
Psilocybin mushrooms SPAWN (make mushrooms) between 72 and 76 degrees, WITH high humidity.

It’s not hard to grow these mushrooms if you have the right stuff. See the COMPLETE Uncle Ben’s Tek Shopping List here to make sure you have what you need to grow your own magic mushrooms at home.

How do you prepare or take Psilocybin mushrooms?

Most people simply eat dried Psilocybin mushrooms, also called cubensis or magic mushrooms. You can also eat the mushrooms raw, or you can make tea.
Some even grind dried mushrooms and put them in capsules to use for micro or macro dosing.

What type of Psychoactive drug is in Psilocybin mushrooms?

Psilocybin is an indole-alkylamine (tryptamine) that acts on the central nervous system serotonin (5-HT) receptors. In low or “microdoses” psilocybin can help with depression, PTSD, anxiety, and other mental afflictions.
In high doses, it has also been shown to help with mental afflictions in some cases, but high doses are usually taken because folks are after the intense, hallucinogenic trip.

Want to know a super easy way to grow mushrooms? There are people who grow psiloccybin mushrooms directly inside the ready rice bag. I did a big writeup so you can learn how. Check it out here!

3. Prickly Poppy (Argemone mexicana or cardosanto)

Prickly poppy or Mexican argemone has a history of being used by the Aztecs and shamans of Mexico, where it is known as “Food of the dead”. It is from the same Papaveraceae family as the opium poppy, but the effects are different, so don’t mix the two plants up.

The plant has psychoactive, medicinal, and ritualistic properties. It may cause sedation and time dilation, but without the euphoria that opium poppy produces.

I HIGHLY discourage growing opium poppies. I have someone close to me who is an addict and I would never want any of my readers to be introduced to that plant thanks to my effort. (Prickly poppy is not addictive and different from the opium poppy)

It has been used by natives to treat toothache, as an anesthetic for surgery, to treat inflammation, and even used as a cancer treatment. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, it is even used to treat colds.

It has a hypotensive effect that homeopathic practitioners make use of.

Keep in mind the seeds and fruit of this plant are poisonous so take care if you decide to use it.

What type of psychoactive drug is prickly poppy?

The psychoactive effect of the prickly poppy is not really like opium poppy, except for the sedation it causes. The body load is a little like marijuana and may cause wooziness and altered thinking. It has been described as relaxing and can make sleep deeper.

How do you prepare or take prickly poppy?

Find Prickly Poppy Seeds on Amazon

The sedation and time dilation effect of the Prickly poppy make this plant more of a teacher plant and less of a recreational experience.
The dried leaves can be smoked or brewed into tea. Note: the seeds and fruit are poisonous, so use the leaves only. This plant has spines, so take care if smoking or making tea.

What is the Best Climate for prickly poppy?

Dry arid hot climates are where this plant grows natively.
The Prickly Poppy is an annual plant that grown best in an arid, dry, and even drought-prone climate similar to those that can be found in its native Mexico.
It grows in full sun, and USDA zones 8 to 11 are ideal zones. This plant is considered a weed in some parts, and like all weeds grows pretty well even if it’s not your intention, so be aware of where it might spread its seeds.

Find Prickly Poppy Seeds on Amazon

4. Wild Dagga-Lion’s Tail- Marihuana Salvaje (Leonotis leonurus)

Wild dagga has both ritualistic (divinatory, shamanistic) and recreational use as a stand-in for marijuana.

The red-orange flowers of Wild dagga are what impart psychoactive properties, and these flowers are smoked, similar to how you smoke pot.

I love wild dagga because while it is similar to Mary Jane, it does NOT have negative side effects like being too sleepy, paranoid, anxious, or ravenously hungry.

Wild dagga does however lack the visual, hallucinatory aspect of marijuana. Despite that, I find this plant to be a pleasant, worthwhile plant to grow in my garden and is one of my favorite psychoactive plants to keep around.

What type of Psychoactive drug is Wild Dagga?

Wild dagga both relaxes you and gives you a small up-kick in energy and mood. It’s nice as an after-work smoke or a casual weekend evening dinner out on the town.
Unlike marijuana, you feel in control of your mind and faculties. It has a social aspect, too, and may make you a bit more talkative, give a bit of euphoria and change color perception a bit. Overall, it is a wonderful, light, recreational psychoactive plant.
The effects are somewhat short-lived, lasting anywhere from 20 minutes to a few hours.

Find wild dagga online

How do you prepare or take Wild Dagga?

Only the red-orange flowers are used!

Smoking is the favorite way to take wild dagga. Smoke it in a pipe, bong, or rolled in a joint with some tobacco.
It can be used as a tea or even chewed but the taste is strong, bitter, and burning.

What is the Best Climate for Wild Dagga?

Note: Hummingbirds LOVE wild dagga! So get ready to do some bird watching if you choose this psychoactive plant for your garden.

Wild dagga is native to Africa and needs a lot of sun and warm weather. If you are not in a hot area, this can be grown as a summer flower so you can harvest and dry the flowers carefully in a dehydrator to last all year.

Find wild dagga online

5. Blue Lotus of the Nile, Blue Water Lily (Nymphaea caerulea)

The beautiful blue lotus lily is an aquatic plant that grows in ponds, lakes, on the riverside, and in a vase or aquarium if you grow them at home. It is actually a large tropical water lily, not a true lotus. You WANT the Nymphaea Caerulea species which is sometimes called the Blue Lotus of the Nile!

The Blue Lotus is considered sacred and is known for its use in Egypt where it was attributed to the primordial god Nefertem whose name means Lotus or absolute perfection.

What type of Psychoactive drug is Blue Lotus?

The blue lotus smells wonderful and its effects soothe away aches and pains. The actives are principally aporphine and nuciferine and the flower is believed to have healing properties.

It is considered sexually stimulating, increasing desire, and is an entheogen, when used with wine. Blue Lotus is a narcotic and may create a feeling of euphoria, well-being, and even ecstasy. Blue Water Lily is perfect for couples to partake of together.

CAUTION: Blue lotus is traditionally used in wine, but I have heard that beer is just too much to mix with this plant. It for some reason potentiates beer and makes one feel far more drunk than they would with beer alone. But wine does not have the same negative effect.

Find Blue Lotus on Amazon

Find Blue Lotus Starter plants

I also like the extract as a mild pick me up. I take blue lotus powder extract ball about the size of 4 grains or rice, and pop in under my tongue. It has an earthy, salty flavor. It simply puts me in a better mood. In this dose its not necessarily recreational, but it is certainly medicinal and a mood brightener, lifting depressed or negative mindset. I feel relaxed and present. It is wonderful for meditation and just being with people at this small dose.

How do you prepare or take Blue Lotus?

The blue lotus flower, and particularly, the stamens, are highest in active alkaloids. The alkaloids are best extracted with alcohol, which is why the Egyptians prepared this flower in wine.
You can take 20 grams of blue lily flower and put it in one bottle of wine. Store in the fridge for about a month so the alkaloids completely infuse the wine. Drink the wine with your partner and have a magical night.

How to grow Blue Lotus?

Blue lotus seeds are challenging to grow, but they are worth the hassle IMO.
1.- When you get your seeds soak them for a day.
2. to 5.Then get a little sandpaper and carefully rub off the dimpled end of the seed until you see the lighter inner shell.

6.- Use filtered drinking or spring water and fill a large vase, aquarium, or large jar. Place the seeds in the container.
7.- Change water every day until the seeds sprout. Seeds sprout in a week or two.
8.- Once the seeds sprout change the water every week, or sooner if the water looks bad. When roots form

The place the seeds in a glass of filtered water. Changer the water everyday! Seeds will take about 7-10 days before they begin to sprout. Continue to change water for about 6-7 days, until the roots start to form. Then plant and fertilize regularly!
Blue Lotus can also be grown in a pond, which is preferred, because the true Nymphaea Caerulea, is LARGE.

Grow Blue Lotus of the Nile. (Youtube video)

Find Blue Lotus on Amazon

6. Damiana, (Turnera diffusa)

What type of Psychoactive drug is Damiana?

I admit the Damiana plant is challenging to grow from seed but since it is a hardy shrub, once your plant is well established, it will last a while.

Find dried Damiana leaf on Amazon

Damiana has mild psychoactive properties that build as you continue to use it. It is a bit similar to marijuana’s body high, just much milder. It also has an arousing effect, which makes it a very popular herb, and is its primary use.

The ancients, the Aztec and Maya used it as an aphrodisiac and the herb is believed to directly stimulate the desire for sex.

It is believed that a liquor made with Damiana infusion was originally used in Margaritas in place of the triple sec that western recipes call for. Makes sense right? A nice sensual drink for a fun evening, right?

Find Damiana on Amazon

What is the Best Climate for Damiana?

Damiana is a hardy shrub that grows no more than two feet high. It is challenging to get started from seed, but once the plant is established it lasts a while and is drought resistant. It prefers higher (100m to 800m) altitudes and zone 9 to 11. It grows well in its native Mexico, Texas, and California.

How to Grow Turnera Diffusa

Find dried Damiana leaf on Amazon

7. Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose (Argyreia Nervosa)

What type of psychoactive plant is Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose?

Hawaiian baby wood rose, also called elephant creeper and woolly morning glory, looks a little like Morning glory, but it first grows into a shrub, and after a few years starts to vine out.
The seeds are the most psychoactive part of the plant and contain LSA and a smaller amount of LSH a substance similar to LSD.
Beware: Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds are POWERFUL. Much more potent than morning glory seeds. However, the amount of active alkaloids varies among seeds and can change with the age and storage conditions of the seeds. I recommend growing your own, they will be more potent and have more LSH.

How do you prepare or take Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose?

The dose of seeds is small. Anywhere from 2 to 10 seeds is enough to trip. YMMV.
Most important thing: you MUST peel the seeds, including the white underlayer, to minimize nausea. You need to get to the woody layer of the seed.
Then you can simply chew the seeds up and hold them under your tongue for 15 to 30 min before spitting them out. LSH and LSA are very water-soluble.
Some people swallow the seeds after, but this increases nausea massively. No thanks!
You might also try an extraction, similar to the Extraction Recipe I listed above in the section on morning glories, to extract a higher amount of LSH while leaving behind the alkaloids that cause side effects. . You can scale down the ingredients and quantities since you need much less HBW seeds compared to morning glory seeds for the psychoactive effect.

What is the Best Climate for Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose?

Hawaiian baby wood rose grows first as a shrub that later creates vines. They like warm weather but need some shade every day too.
It is perennial, so it comes back every year. It has big beautiful flowers that you will love making a part of your garden.
To grow these plants from seed, the seed needs the circle-shaped eye of the seed scraped away. Place seeds in a damp cloth and they should sprout in less than a week.
Plant the sprouts in well-draining aerated soil that has already been watered. Don’t forget to build a trellis or something similar, as these guys eventually want to climb.

Find legit HBWR seeds, ships from Mexico

8. Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa)

What type of Psychoactive plant is Wild Lettuce?

Wild lettuce is a flowering plant that reminds me a lot of a dandelion. It is known to be used as a substitute for opium, but it does not have as strong of an effect as opium. Nevertheless, it deserves a place among useful psychoactive plants. It is a solid pain reliever, that is for sure.

Wild lettuce is calming and relaxing, great for insomnia, and was a popular plant medicine back in the day. It is used as a plant medicine to calm a cough, relieve PMS type cramps and pain, and is even used as an aphrodisiac.

Find Wild Lettuce on Amazon

How do you prepare or take Wild Lettuce?

Using properly harvested latex sap is the BEST method of using Wild Lettuce!

To harvest wild lettuce you first wait for the plant to flower. (Plants take 2 years to flower) Then you cut off the flower head and collect the thick white milky latex ball that forms. Do this several times with each flower stem by simply cutting a bit more of the stem and allow the latex to flow, cut the stem inch by inch, collecting the drops of sap as you go.
This is time-consuming but necessary. The plant produces the components you want as a stress response to being cut and bled. Chopping the plant up and using a blender will NOT yield the same results. Using properly harvest latex sap is the BEST method of using Wild Lettuce.
Allow the latex to dry and divide it into gram weight or half gram weight balls for easy dispensing.
A normal dose would be about 1.5 to 2.5 grams of dried sap, which is approximately what a mature plant will yield. You can brew the dried sap in a tea. If you prefer you can smoke the dried latex, just use a much smaller about, such as .25 to .5 grams, since smoking the sap produces a stronger effect.

What is the Best Climate for Wild Lettuce?

Wild Lettuce is native to Europe and can be grown in cooler weather with much success. Seeds will not sprout if the weather is too warm, say over 85 degrees.
The plant will not bloom until it is two years old and generally blooms in the summer.
It needs rich, loose, well-drained soil and should be watered frequently.

Find Wild Lettuce on Amazon

9. Common Hops (Humulus lupulus)

What type of Psychoactive drug are Common Hops?

Hops are known for their place in beer-making. But that is not why they are on this list.
Hops have medicinal use in their own right. They can help combat insomnia and provide a pleasant, even slightly euphoric relaxation. This relaxation is thanks to Lupuline, a component chemically similar to THC.
While hops have a similar or cannabis-like effect, the bonus is they do not change your headspace or thinking the way marijuana might. Hops are a great smoke for relaxing and legal pretty much everywhere.

Find Common Hops seeds on Amazon

How do you prepare or take Common Hops?

Hops may be smoked similar to how you would smoke marijuana; in a pipe, bong, or joint.
Smoking hops give a slight marijuana-like high that relaxes you without making you paranoid.

Find Common Hops on Amazon

What is the Best Climate for Common Hops?

You need space to grow hops. The hops vine can grow up to 30 feet long, and you may need to plant several because male and female plants are separate.
Special note! If you use seeds, they must be processed in a specific way. These seeds are dormant embryos that must be awakened to sprout. Place seeds in a glass of water and skim off only the seeds that float. Discard the sinkers. Place the seeds that float in another glass of water and soak for twenty-four hours.
After 24 hrs take all the seeds and mix them with wet peat moss in a plastic baggie. Seal the bag and refrigerate for 5 weeks.
After 5 weeks remove the bag from the fridge and place it in a shallow container and cover it with saran wrap. Check the peat moss carefully each day looking for sprouted seeds. Be sure and keep the peat moss moist. Seeds can take anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks to germinate after removed from the fridge so keep checking.
Take those sprouts and plant roots down in rich LOOSE black soil that drains well and has been pre-watered. Hops are vulnerable to overwatering so take it easy when watering.

Find Common Hops on Amazon

10. American or Blue Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

What type of Psychoactive drug is American Blue Skullcap?

Blue skullcap is a beautiful flowering plant that is right at home in any garden. The herb can relax you, ease anxiety and help nervous tension slip away. Some claim it helps break addictions to other substances by easing withdrawal symptoms.
Blue skullcap has also been said to potentiate cannabis effects while easing the paranoia and anxiety cannabis sometimes gives.
In addition to being a psychoactive plant, it has medicinal qualities and is high in antioxidants.

Find American Blue Skullcap on Amazon

How do you prepare or take American Blue Skullcap?

You can take skullcap as a tea, tincture, capsule, using the fresh leaves and flowers, or freshly dried and ground to a powder for capsules.
Fresh is best since this herb loses potency quickly. So grow your own!
Some adventurous souls even smoke the dried leaves and flowers on their own or with marijuana, which this herb potentiates.

Find American Blue Skullcap on Amazon

What is the Best Climate for American Blue Skullcap?

Blue skullcap can grow about 30 inches high and is a great flower for gardens. It prefers wet soil and full sun and grows well in zones 6 through 9.
The seeds should be planted in the ground after any danger of frost has passed. You also will have better luck getting them to sprout if you throw the packet of seeds in the fridge for a week before planting them.

11. Sinicuichi (Heimia Salicifolia)

What type of psychoactive drug is Sinicuichi?

Sinicuichi is a flowering plant native to southern Mexico and used historically and today by Shamans during rituals.
This plant gives a relaxed feel and is known for helping people remember the past, even going as far back as infancy. The effect is likely due to the plant’s influence over acetylcholine.
The plant has anti-inflammatory effects and is better at reducing prostaglandins (hormones in your body that cause pain) than aspirin.
The herb caused drowsiness, muscle relaxation, mild euphoria, and giddiness. It may provide a feeling of well-being and help you sleep better. It has an anti-anxiety and ant depressive effect as well.
Be careful not to use too often as overuse leads to dampened memory.

Find Sinicuichi on Amazon

How to you prepare or take Sinicuichi?

Take 10 grams of crushed leaves and place in a jar with water. Allow the water to sit in direct sunlight for one day. Then simply drink.
Some also like to smoke Sinicuichi or place the herb in wine for an extended period of time to drink later. Some say the best way to take is to make an ethonol extraction to place in a tincture.

Find Sinicuichi on Amazon

What is the Best Climate for Sinicuichi?

Sinicuichi grows in USDA zones 8 through 11. It is native to southern Mexico, so it likes warm weather and sunshine but partial shade is best.
It’s best to plant this hardy woody perennial right in the ground as it becomes pot-bound rather fast.
To sow the tiny seeds, sprinkle them on the surface of the dirt and mist them or bottom water them.
Sinicuichi seeds require consistently damp soil to sprout, so don’t let the dirt dry out between watering.

12. Sweet Flag (Acorus americanus) AMERICAN VARIETY

What type of psychoactive drug is American Sweet Flag?

First things first. AVOID the Asian variety. You want the Sweet Flag that is native to the United States.
The ROOT of fresh sweet flag, harvested around the time of the summer solstice is said to help one see the spirit world. Dried herb or root is not as good, and may even cause nausea, so it’s best to grow your own and eat the fresh root.
Calmus takes time to work and has a subtle effect. You need some patience with this psychoactive plant. It’s not a recreational plant, but instead, one that allows you to see the secrets of nature and the profound truths she has hidden.
Calmus or Sweet Flag can be mildly stimulating and make you feel like you are floating or light-footed. In doses of 10 to 12 inches, the chewed root acts as an alternant and very mild hallucinogen.
It is a great plant for using before a hike or time spent in nature. In fact, Walt Whitman, in his book Leaves of Grass, makes mention of the herb and its influence on his poetry.

Find American Sweet Flag on Amazon

How do you prepare or take American Sweet Flag?

It is best to use the fresh root of the plant, so grow your own. The root deteriorates with age and is usually inactive after 1 year.
The best way to take this plant is to eat the root, nibble on it bit by bit. It must be completely chewed. It does not taste great, so use a beverage to wash it down. Try to eat at least 8 to 12 inches of root for a decent effect.

Find American Sweet Flag on Amazon

What is the Best Climate for American Sweet Flag?

American Sweet Flag is quite nearly an aquatic plant and cannot be watered too much. It loves rich, overly wet soil.
To germinate the seeds, mix them with wet clean sand (rinse of all salt if using sand from the ocean.) Place the wet sand in the fridge for a few months to mimic mother natures winter.
In Spring, plant the seeds in WET rich soil but spreading them across the top and patting down the seeds without burying them. Always keep the soil moist.
Once this grass is about 3 to 4 inches high you can transplant it.
Again, this plant needs abundant water, so you can keep a tray of standing water beneath the pot.

13. Ololiuhqui (Rivea Corymbosa or Turbina corymbosa)

What type of Psychoactive drug is Ololiuhqui or Turbina corymbosa?

The Ololiuhqui or Rivea or Turbina corymbosa seed is found in the mountains of Mexico and is traditionally used by the Aztecs and Shamans who call these seeds Ololiuhqui which means “round thing” in the indigenous Nahuatl language.
The shamans use the seeds for divination and problem-solving. Healers use them for diagnosing disease.
The Rivea Corymbosa has beautiful white bell-shaped flowers and grows on a vine similar to its cousins the Morning Glory and the Hawaiian baby wood rose and this seed, like those, has actives similar to LSD.
The effects of consuming the seed can cause a slight change in vision, enhanced, clear, vibrant colors, and a sense of experiencing another world. The effect is milder than LSD, more relaxed with fewer visuals.

Find Ololiuhqui on Amazon

How do you prepare or take Ololiuhqui or Turbina corymbosa?

You may be able to use the BASIC Morning Glory LSH LSA Extraction AKA Tartic Mint Sherry Extraction I outlined in the Morning Glory section above. (Recommended)
Another way that shamans used them was ground up and soaked for a time in alcohol, which seems to be superior to water for extracting the actives. The seed matter is then filtered from the alcohol and consumed.
The actives in these seeds deteriorate over time, so I recommend you buy the seeds to use and grow your own.

Find Ololiuhqui on Amazon

What is the Best Climate for Ololiuhqui Rivea Corymbosa?

The seeds of the Ololiuhqui or Turbina corymbosa have a thick husk. Soaking these seeds for 24 hrs and nicking the “germ eye” or belly button as I like to say, from the seed will help your rate of germination.
Plant the soaked, nicked seeds 5 millimeters deep in rich black, well-draining soil in a place with some shade. The seedlings like shade initially, because they start their growth in the underbrush. Once they climb, they love full sun.
These guys need something to grow on. A fence or trellis is good. Once they start vining out, you may see flowers in 3 to 4 months. The flowers will make the seeds soon, and when the pods dry up, it’s time to harvest those seeds.

14. Wormwood Herb (Artemisia Absinthium)

What type of Psychoactive plant is Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)?

Thujone, similar to menthol or camphor, is the major psychoactive ingredient and the feeling it imbues is reminiscent of THC or cannabis, although it is distinct in its own way.
Artemisia absinthium is a member of the herbal psychoactive plants used for medicine since ancient times. Its use includes combatting air and seasickness, at which it is superior. It is also used as a nervine, decongestant, and digestive tonic.
Wormwood is very, very bitter. The Wormwood herb is sometimes made into a tea, and the effects are relaxing, making lights and colors brighter, and giving the drinker a sense of wellbeing.

Find Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) on Amazon

How do you prepare or take Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)?

Wormwood is often extracted with alcohol. However, the two most common methods are making it into a tea using the dried herb or smoking it.
Some have even used extraction and dried the material to make a hash-like material to smoke.

Find Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) on Amazon

What is the Best Climate for Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)?

Artemisia Absinthium is an attractive ground cover plant that is known for its medicinal properties and its ability to repel insects and nibbling critters from your home and garden.
Beware that it is toxic to dogs, so do not let your fur buds near the plant if they are the type to give it a try.
Wormwood loves dry-ish sandy soil and full sun and is relatively easy to grow. Simply sow the seeds of your Artemisia Absinthium on the top of the sandy soil and they germinate easily and have a pretty long life. Just trim back in the fall and you are good to go.

15. YOPO (Anadenanthera Peregrina)

What type of psychoactive drug is YOPO?

Yopo is probably one of the top 3 most powerful psychoactive plants on this list. It has a specific mode of use that is admittedly painful and causes nausea, but many say the suffering is worth the unique psychedelic experience, and I agree.
Yopo contains bufotenine, N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and 5-HO-DMT and is a psychedelic experience similar, but not as powerful and long-lasting as ayahuasca.
Like Ayahuasca, it is likely you will throw up after insufflating this powerful psychoactive seed, and it is also very important to follow the traditional MAOI avoidance diet the week before taking this sacred psychoactive plant.

Find YOPO Here

How do you prepare or take YOPO?

To use YOPO, be sure you have followed the “dieta” for one week. The “dieta” consists of avoiding MAOI foods for one week before your journey.
You will need Calcium hydroxide. You use between 3 to 5 seeds, dried and lightly toasted, then ground fine using a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder.
You mix about 100mg of Calcium Hydroxide with 1 gram of Yopo seeds.
You this snort this mixture all at once using a Kuripe pipe for Rapé medicine. As I mentioned, it hurts!
After about two minutes you will feel sick. You may throw up. Then once you purge, you feel better and if you have followed the procedure correctly, will experience visuals and the yopo dream state. The experience lasts for under an hour, with a decent afterglow.

Find YOPO Here

What is the Best Climate for growing YOPO?

Yopo or Anadenanthera Peregrina is a fast-growing tree that grows up to 80 feet high. It has fragrant light yellow flowers and fern-like leaves. In the US it grows in Zones 8 to 10.

Soak the seeds overnight and plant in pots with one part pearlite and one part washed sand. The seeds rot easily, so they cannot be in contact with organic material, just the perlite, and sand.

Plant one seed in one small pot or the pearlite sand mix covering the seed in a very thin layer of the mix. Place in a warm lighted area and mist daily.

When your seedlings get about 7 inches tall, plant them in their forever home, ideally a location with rich well-draining soil and plenty of sunshine.

If you want more tips on growing Yopo, this redditor with the username “Infrequent_reddit” has perfected the process.

16. Penis Cactus (Echinopsis lageniformis)

The penis cactus is a fast growing active cactus from Bolivia. Some reports claim it has a higher mescaline content than Trichocereus Bridgessi, while others say its mescaline content is lower. It could be that it depends on growing conditions, but I don´t have anything to back that up. It could also depend on the specific strain, but that is also heresy.

I think one of my favorite fun facts about this cactus ( aside from the fact that it is active) is that in German its name is frauenglück, which translates to ¨Womans Joy¨. lol. that great. I do have plans to add this cactus along with Trichocereus Bridgessi to my garden this summer.


17. Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum)

This pretty little succulent is sure to make you happy, if you can find it available as a Sceletium tortuosum seed or plant to grow in your garden. Of course the extract and powder form of this active plant, kanna is available all over Amazon.

I love this succulent for its ability to relieve depression and lift my spirits, but I have not yet grown it in my garden. This redditor has figured out how to grow Kanna. According to him, Kanna needs bright direct sunlight, it needs to stay moist, but watered from the Botton, not the top. This is common with other desert plants like syrian rue as well.

18. Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala)

Syrian rue is a seed that has some reversible MAOI properties. In small, or some say microdoses, as in a gram or two, it will not induce nasea and gives a slight mood boot.

But syrian rue is better known for its part in the ayahuasca brew. As an MAOI it makes the normally short lived DMT molocule active for hours. It also makes you puke your guts out, or purge as the call in in ceremony.

Ironically, it is hard to find the seeds on amazon, but the syrian rue or Peganum harmala extract is available.

I do grow syrian rue in my garden and I got my seeds from a shaman medicine source in Mexico. The seeds are quite fertile and love sunny weather. Syrian rue should ideally be bottom watered because its a desert plant.

19. Kava (Piper methysticum)

The kava plant doesn’t produce seeds. It’s entirely sterile but can be propagated with a small section of harvested roots from other Kava plants. So dont buy seeds, they are not the kava you want. You can get kava extract here.

Kava is a quick growing tropical plant and unless you live in the tropics, needs a lot of fertilizer to grow well. They also need to grow in the ground, with ample space. They do not do well in pots. They also take about three years till they are ready to harvest, so they need paitence.

You need to be a pretty commited gardner to acheive sucess with this plant, but where there is a will, there is a way.

This is an extremely hard plant to find, but here are two Australian sources, which are frequently out of stock. Here and here. And a source of Kava from the USA, also usually out of stock. But it appears live plants of kava Piper Methysticum may be available at world seed supply.

And if you really want to get into the nitty gritty of growing Kava, I suggest taking a look at this kava growing thread on the Kava Forum.

20. Mimosa Hostilis (mimosa tenuiflora)

Thats all for today my fellow travelers. If you are itching for more, I have two great resources on growing magic mushrooms. I have the Uncle Ben’s Tek concise shopping list, AND I did a writeup for a TEK that allows you to grow mushrooms DIRECTLY from the 90 second rice bags.

Get adventerous and check them out!

Until next time fellow travellers, Peace out and Mush love!

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Radio Frequency

“Radio Frequency” is my email list reserved for Fellow Travelers, Matrix Escapees, Psychonauts, Shamanic Journeyers, Alchemists, Interdimensionals, Inquiring Minds, & Mad Hatters; those who dare to join & explore wonderland with me.

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Katie Lyn

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  • I blog often and I seriously thank you for your content.
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    I opted in for your RSS feed as well.

    • Welcome to the High Vibration Station Wild Lettuce,
      I am honored you like the post.

      Love and Light energy to you fellow traveller!
      Katie Lyn

    • Welcome Raffaele to the high vibration station.
      CBD oil is great stuff, but I am no ex´ret, I have no idea how long the effects last. lol. I take in when I can{t sleep. Its great stuff.

      Love and light energy to you, fellow traveller.

      Katie Lyn

    • Welcome to the High Vibration Station Jolene. Not sure how to answer your question, I guess many herbs can be vaped, but you need to do some research as that is not my area of knowlege.
      Thanks for stopping by fellow traveller!
      Love and light energy to you.
      Katie Lyn

  • Greetings from Florida! I'm bored at work so I decided to check out your site on my iphone during lunch break. I love the info you provide here and can't wait to take a look when I get home. I'm shocked at how quick your blog loaded on my mobile .. I'm not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, great site!

    • Welcome to the High Vibration Station Adolph!

      I am glad you liked the article and I hope you get some use from it. I am looking to add to it as I discover more psychoactive plants that can be grown at home.

      Love and light to you!
      Katie Lyn

  • Hello there! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be ok. I'm undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.

    • Thank you so much Regine. I love it when readers reach out and tell me that they are enjoying my blog. You are the reason I do it!
      I do not have twitter, but I do have instagram and we can connect there if you like. @theHighVibrationStation
      Love and light to you!
      Katie Lyn

  • Hi just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren't loading correctly. I'm not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I've tried it in two different browsers and both show the same results.

    • Hi Danielle,
      Thanks for the heads up. I will chek the pic this morning to see whats up.

      Love and light to you!
      Katie Lyn

  • F*ckin?tremendous things here. I am very glad to see your post. Thanks a lot and i'm looking forward to contact you. Will you kindly drop me a mail?

    • Welcome Eugene.
      I love your enthusiasm. Which of these lovely plants are you thinking of adding to your garden?

  • I like what you guys tend to be up too. Such clever work and exposure! Keep up the superb works guys I've added you guys to our blogroll.

  • This is a very good tip especially to those new to the blogosphere. Short but very accurate information… Appreciate your sharing this one. A must read post!

  • This is a topic that is near to my heart... Best wishes! Where are your contact details though?

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