Energy Work

Got Negative Vibes Surrounding you? Here are 7 Ways to Remove Negative Energy NOW!

Remove Negative Energy NOW!

Negative energy has a way of rearing its ugly head from time to time, and it can really throw our day off track or even affect our mood.

Negative energy can keep us from our purpose and may lower our vibration, if we allow it.

That’s why I have laid out, step-by-step instructions that take minutes to do of 7 ways you can remove negative energy from your life and home pronto!

7 Ways to Remove Negative Energy from your Life and Home

Action #1 Use Grounding to Flush out Negative Energy

visualize grounding yourself

Needs: 10 minutes, a chair and your imagination

I got this grounding technique from Debra Lynne Katz book You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing and it works spectacularly. The entire book is wonderful and I highly recommend it.

Grounding is a way to “call back” your spiritual energy, and send negative energy that has attached to you back to its “rightful owner”.

Don’t feel bad about returning negative energy that belongs to someone else. It belongs to them for a reason and is for the betterment of their spiritual journey to work out their own negative energy.

Contrary to how you may sometimes feel, it is not your responsibility to solve all the world’s problems.


To get started, follow these simple steps:

Step 1:
Sit in a chair or on the ground, legs crossed, with your eyes closed and your feet planted on the ground. Take a few deep breathes to relax.

Step 2:
Imagine a cord or cable coiled beneath you. Imagine the cables color and texture. Imagine the end of the cord and pick it up. That’s right, use your hands and grab the cord as if it were real. Imagine attaching the end of the cable to your root chakra. It’s near your tailbone, so I pretend I am attaching the cable to the end of my tailbone.

Step 3:
Imagine that this cord can expand infinitely long and can travel infinitely fast and reach the center of the earth instantaneously. Now you are sitting in your chair with this cord firmly attached to you at your root chakra while the other end of the cable is firmly set in the core of the planet.

Step 4:
Imagine that this cord is like the drain on a bathtub. Picture the vacuum power of the cord sucking down all the negative energy from your head, to the tips of your toes. Watch the negative energy swirl down the center of your cord, reaching the center of the earth, leaving you like the water swirls down the drain after a bath. Imagine once the energy returns to the center of the earth it is promptly returned to its rightful owner.

(Note: you can use this for any kind of unwanted energy, could be negative energy, weird energy, unwanted sexual energy, flush it all down that cord, baby!)

Step 5:
Once the unwanted energy is released, thank your cord and feel gratitude for it. Then imagine it being destroyed, really visualize it being blown to smithereens so that the unwanted energy cannot return.

Step 6:
Create a NEW cord and ask it to protect you from negative energy throughout the day. It is important to create a few new cords each day so no funky energy returns.

If you want to learn more about calling back your energy, grounding your living space or workplace, returning others negative energies, or improving your own natural psychic abilities (everyone is psychic to a degree) I highly recommend picking up this book.

Action #2 Smoke out Negative Energy and Negative People

Dragons Blood Resin to remove negative energy

Needs: 10 Min, Clove & Basil, 1 charcoal disk and a windproof lighter

There are many ways to use plant material to clear negative energy from your home and your sacred spaces.

You may already be familiar with sage burning, and cleaning the house with sage is one of my favorite practices, but I chose this different method using clove and basil, because many of you already have these on hand in your spice cupboard.

I am so grateful that I discovered this incense cleansing ritual from the book Sacred Smoke by Amy Blackthorn.


Evil cannot tolerate basil, and the smoke of basil drives out evil. It’s no wonder that this magical spice is a staple of so many recipes, since it’s both useful and tasty.

Burning dried basil removes negative energy


One way clove is used, besides being one spice found in a yummy slice of pumpkin pie, is to sweep out negativity. It is also used to break negative spells, and drive away negative energy that has become attached to you.

Burning Clove can Remove Negative Energy

If you have a toxic family member or person in your life that you would like to send on their merry way, do this:

Step 1:
Mix ½ teaspoon each of the basil and clove. If you only have one, that’s fine too. You can also use angelica, pine, frankincense and dragon’s blood resin, if you happen to have these plant materials on hand.

Step 2:
Using METAL TONGS, light the charcoal disk using a windproof lighter and place it in a fireproof container.

Step 3:
Place a pinch of the plant matter on the charcoal disk, visiting each corner of the space you want to clear of negative energy and toxic people. Be sure and bathe the space in smoke inside and out, replenishing the charcoal disk with plant matter as needed.

Step 4:
Set the container of smoke on the table and scoop a handful on the smoke over your head to clear negative energy that attached to you.

Step 5:
Sprinkle the leftover unburned dried plant material in the corners of the room to make sure the negative or toxic people do not visit again and/or the negative energy does not return.

Hot Tip:

You can do this for sacred spaces too, eg, to keep a negative parent, sibling or roommate from lingering too long in your private space such as your bedroom or home office. If you cannot burn incense in an area, like your workplace, for example, you can take the dried herd and sprinkle in in the corners while holding the intention of removing negative energy in your heart.

Action #3 Dodging Energy Vampires

Dodge Energy Vampires

Needs: Ability to spot an energy vampire and the guts to cut off the relationship

Energy Vampires in a nutshell: They are getting HIGH of YOUR supply! (of energy that is)

According to the book Dodging Energy Vampires by Christiane Northrup, M.D. who has 30 years clinical experience, energy vampires have a form of psychological disorder and most likely, they will NEVER change. (She has only seen one instance of change in 30 years, and that was in another doctor’s practice)

Energy vampires can be very charming, often are good looking because they always put themselves first and don’t truly care about others.

They easily get others (who don’t live with them and their energy sucking ways) on their side so it can be hard for you to get support.

They cause a whole lot of drama, always focus on themselves, and are associated with you because of what you give them, leaving you exhausted and drained.

It’s always a one way street with energy vampires, forget about getting your needs met!

Listen up!

The only way to remove the energy vampire’s negative energy is avoidance, exiting the relationship and LEAVING.

In Dr. Northrup’s book she quotes Dr. Bob Palumbo, on how to easily spot someone with borderline personality disorder:

“It’s very easy to diagnose borderline. They screw you over, rip you off, commit whatever transgression, and then they blame you for it.”

Now you know, so do something about it. Your love, light and energy are on the line!

Step 1:
End relationship with energy vampire. Cut off communication. Go radio silence. Stop taking calls and answering their text messages. Delete them from your social media. Do whatever it takes. They are killing you slowly.

Step 2:
If your energy vampire is not someone you can get away from at the moment, such as parent or spouse, use action #2 listed above with the intention of keeping these folks far from you, as much as it is possible for the time being.

Step 3:
Make plans to leave. I mean it! Get out a piece of paper and a pen, and write your plan on it. Brainstorm your idea and share it with a friend you trust. Don’t share it with the vampire.

Step 4:
Get Dr. Northup’s book, Dodging Energy Vampires from her website or on Amazon. It will explain what energy vampires are, why they will not change, and give you the courage to leave.

Action #4 Aura Cleansing -With an Egg!

Use an egg to clean away negative energy

Needs: 10 minutes and an egg. Just trust me on this one, its eggs-celent.

OK, that transition was cheesy enough to make omelets.

But seriously, negative energy is nothing to joke about, so let’s get started.

According to HooDoo expert Miss Aida who wrote the book Hoodoo Cleansing (and two other books on Hoodoo spells) your aura acts as protection from negativity.

Did you know…

Some of the insults of daily life can cause damage to our aura. Damage to our aura can occur due to:

Others jealousy or envy of us
Being around people who are harsh, rude, abrasive or in other ways offensive
Being involved with an energy vampire
Even Mercury in retrograde can put a few dings in our aura shield

It’s important to renew your auric shield after these insults, to ward off further negativity.

So what does Miss Aida suggest?

She prescribes several helpful methods for removing negativity in her useful book Hoodoo Cleansing, but one method stood out to me. To remove negative energy do this:

An egg cleansing!

Yup. Egg cleansing.

Why, you ask?

Because you can do it TODAY and nearly everyone has a few eggs in the fridge, so it’s handy.

Time Needed : 10 minutes

How to do an Egg Cleansing to Clear Your Aura!

  1. How to do an Aura Clearing Egg Cleansing: Step 1

    Grab an egg, whole and fresh.

  2. How to do an Aura Clearing Egg Cleansing: Step 2

    Starting with the Crown chakra, rub the egg over all 7 chakras in descending order. Here is a chakra chart to help you locate your chakras, just in case.

  3. How to do an Aura Clearing Egg Cleansing: Step 3

    As you touch the egg to the chakra, say your intent out loud. Something to the effect of:

    “I ask you to remove the negative energy from the envy and jealousy of my coworker Suzy. Protect me, keep me, shield me and restore my aura to its customary brightness and awesome prism of color.”

    Create your own affirmation and say it as the egg touches each chakra energy point on your body.

  4. How to do an Aura Clearing Egg Cleansing: Step 4

    Once the egg has sucked up all the badness, it’s time to GET RID OF IT! And the negative energy it now contains.

    I really like to destroy the egg, so I smash it in the sink and let the faucet run water over it until it disappears. While the egg, and the negative energy it contains, is swirling down the drain, repeat the affirmation you created above.

  • Tools needed to do an Aura Clearing Egg Cleansing:
    The Only thing you need to do an Aura Clearing Egg Cleansing is just yourself (and the egg).
  • Materials needed to do an Aura Clearing Egg Cleansing:
    One whole raw egg in the shell

Action #5 Stop giving negative people permission to “Bring you down”

Need: 20 minutes for meditation and this YouTube video

Sometimes we might feel like someone in our life is delivering negative energy to us. We have all been there at one point or another, feeling like someone else’s energy or actions is affecting our energy.


Here, Aaron Doughty the YouTuber who shares his knowledge with us in order to help us “expand our consciousness” says that there are some things we can do if we feel like others people’s energy is bringing us down.

Step 1:
Understand that YOU have the ability to choose how you respond to others actions and energy.

Step 2:
If you perceive that the other person is being negative, do not agree to the person’s energy, do not agree with what they said/did. Do not identify with whatever negative thing that person said or did.

Step 3:
I gotta’ be honest…

This is something I never thought of before, but Aaron makes a good point. Aaron says to stop labeling people as negative.

Counterintuitive, right?

Do you know that others sometimes tend to live up to your expectations, whether those expectations are good or bad? If you keep believing the person is negative, they will be negative for you, according to your expectation.

Step 4:
Instead of seeing the people as negative, drop the label of them and stop expecting them to be negative with you. They might change if your expectations of them change.

Step 5:
Watch this video by Aaron Doughty to get more details on how this all works. I find the video immensely helpful and watch it again from time to time.

3 Ways To NEVER Let Negative People Affect You Again

Action #6 Practice Gratitude and Ditch Focusing on the Negative.

Gratitude removes negativity

Need: 10 minutes and a notepad or journal

Life is full of many things, my friends, and there are good things and bad things that come our way on a daily basis.

This is simply life.

Sometimes it is all too easy to see the glass half empty. That is to say, it’s easy to see life’s difficulties, while taking its awesomeness for granted.

What if we focused as much on the GOOD things, as we might on the negative?

A few months ago, we got rear ended by someone as we were stopped at a light. They hit us so hard that our car was pushed into the car in front of us, and the BMW medallion from the front of their car was somehow tossed into our trunk, only to be discovered later.

I was upset. Really upset. Mostly because my baby was in the car with us and I was terrified he could have been hurt.

I spent a good chunk of time dwelling on the situation, how we had to have Dr. Visits, the car was three weeks in the shop being fixed. My peace of mind was shaken and now I am just a little more leery of driving.

But I knew I had to snap out of that thinking, so I focused on the positive and the things I was grateful for.

I was grateful the baby was not injured. Really grateful!

I was grateful my husband and I, nor any of the other drivers were seriously injured.

I was grateful the driver was insured.

I am grateful we have two cars so we could deal with one being in the shop.

All this gratitude really helped change my perspective and feel a little better about the situation.

Step 1:
Grab a pen and a journal and have a seat.

Step 2:
Write down what you are grateful for. State what makes you happy and why. Write down what you appreciate. If it’s a person, write down what attributes you appreciate. Get specific and use words that build emotion in you.

For example: I just love the way my baby grabs my face with both hands when he kisses me. I absolutely adore that my husband always takes care of things so I don’t have to worry. Even when things do go wrong, that dude gets things straightened out.

Gah! I feel more gratitude just writing this!

Step 3:
Place your palm over your heart and feel the happiness, gratitude and love as you hold the thoughts you wrote in your mind. Let the joy fill your heart and move outwards through your whole body. This is YOUR thought created positive energy, filling you up.

How cool is that?

Step 4:
Know that this exercise will balance your internal energy and invite more positivity into your life.

Action #7 Sweep the negativity away, literally.

Sweep away negative energy

Needs: 15 minutes. New broom. Frankincense or sandalwood resin incense. Censer to burn incense. Sharpie marker.

I got this super simple tactic used to sweep away negativity from the wonderful book of Protection Spells by Arin Murphy-Hiscock.

The book mentions that simply cleaning a room can change the energy, and that clean areas hold more positive energy than messy living areas.

But this broom trick takes the concept of cleaning away negativity a step further. It involves dedicating your broom to clearing negative energy, and sweeping away the negativity each time you clean the house.


The book states you should NEVER bring an old broom with you when you move and never borrow a broom because they may harbor bad energy and you could inadvertently invite that negative energy into your home.

Step 1:
Center and ground yourself. (see Action 1 listed above or pick up a copy of Protection Spells to learn how to center and ground.)

Step 2:
Light your resin incense. Frankincense or sandalwood, in this case.

Step 3:
Pass the broom through the smoke of the incense with the intention of clearing any negative energy. Preferably, this should be a new broom with natural fiber bristles like this corn broom.

Step 4:
With a sharpie marker write “I sweep away the negativity”. Begin writing near the broom bristles and write the phrase around and up the handle.

Step 5:
When you are finished state “It is done”

Step 6:
Sweep the floor. Visualize all the negative energy being gathered up in a pile along with the dirt and dust bunnies. Throw out the dirt in the trash bin and visualize the negative energy going along with it. Shake the broom out over the trash bin, just to be sure all the energy went into the trash bin.

Step 7:
Open the front door and welcome in the fresh air and positive energy into your freshly cleaned living space. Enjoy!

Hot Tip: If you like, you can periodically run the broom bristles through incense smoke to clear any negative energy that might have attached to the broom and refresh the broom’s energy sweeping powers and Remove Negative Energy from your home.

Wrapping it all up

Now you have 7 actionable ways to remove negative energy from home and life, so do not hesitate to get started today.

Check out more vibration raising content from the High Vibration Station.

Have you ever heard the music of a handpan? If not you should. The music is magical because it is perfect to meditate too.

If you like ancient archeology, we have an article of the mystical petroglyphs that line the sandy shore of Las Labradas, Mexico. These beached rocks are quite interesting and make you wonder about the world that came before us.

Until next time! In love and light,

Miss Katie Lyn

PS: If you suffer from anxiety and like watching videos, here is energy work video I created on How to Remove Anxiety instantly!

Take our QUIZ: What Shaman Musical Instrument are You?

Take our QUIZ: What Shaman Musical Instrument are You?

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Katie Lyn

View Comments

  • Took me time for you to check out all of the critiques, but I really enjoyed the piece. It proved to be very useful to me and I'm certain to all the commenters here! It's always huge when you are able to not only be informed, but also engaged! I'm certain you had enjoyable writing this write-up.

  • This design is steller! You obviously know how to keep a reader entertained.
    Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well,
    almost...HaHa!) Great job. I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it.
    Too cool!

    • Thank you Lashunda, what kind words. I put my heart into my articles and videos so your appreciation really means a lot.
      Love and light to you
      Katie Lyn

    • Thank you Rebekah!
      Welcome to the high vibration station blog.
      Love and light energy to you, fellow traveller.

      Katie Lyn

  • Heya i'm for the first time here. I came across this board and I in finding It
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  • excellent issues altogether, you just received a
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    that you simply made some days in the past?
    Any sure?

    • Welcome to the blog Grace!
      I plan to include more contetnt on this blog, so get ready!
      In the near furure I will cover grounding, share an amazing heart resonance technique for eliminating anxiaty, and show you all how you can call back and protect your energy, so stay tuned.

      In the meantime, I have a youtube channel you can check out.

      Love and Light to you, Fellow Traveller,

      Miss Katie Lyn

  • An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment.
    I believe that you should publish more on this subject matter, it might not be a taboo
    matter but usually folks don't discuss these subjects.
    To the next! Best wishes!!

    • Thank you Henrietta for the thoughtful comment.

      I plan to publish more on the subject of easing anxiety and removing negativity from our life. I truly beleive, however that the shadow side does serve a purpose of compelling us to grow and to intigrate our shadow self. There is really much our shadow self can teach us and I like to think of it as a gift, if we will just unpack it, FEEL IT, and explore it.

      Love and Light to you, Fellow traveller!

      Miss Katie Lyn

  • Hey there! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be okay. I'm absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new updates.

    • Hey there Fellow traveler.
      I don't have twitter, but I do keep up with the Instagram page.
      You can find me at @thehighvibrationstation

      Love and Light
      Katie Lyn

    • That's awesome. I am glad you got something out of it. Thank you for reaching out and connecting with us today!
      Love and light to you!

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